When you click it, it will teleport to a random position and you get a +1 to score.
I was thinking instead of teleporting I can make the button move to a new random x position when clicked.
I do not understand what I am doing wrong because as soon as the button reaches the destination it swings left and right trying to find
that 0 difference betwenn mouse potion and button position
Looking for a better understanding of this.
Please check the love file and the code comments.
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function love.load()
--Create Button object with properties
button = {}
button.x = 100
button.y = 100
button.size = 50
-- Set the Target where the Button should move in X direction to button x position so it does nothing at first
targetX = button.x
score = 0
speed = 400
myFont = love.graphics.newFont(40)
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function love.update(dt)
move(dt) --Call move every 60 frames
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function love.draw()
love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0)
love.graphics.circle('fill', button.x, button.y, button.size)
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
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function love.mousepressed(mouseX, mouseY, clickType, isTouch)
if clickType == 1 then
--I wanted to check if the mouse position is inside the Button (I know there is a formula you can use but wanted to try this way).
--The way I calculate its more like checing a rectangle and is not precise diagonaly where the curb of the circle is
if (mouseX > button.x-button.size and mouseX < button.x+button.size) and (mouseY > button.y-button.size and mouseY < button.y+button.size) then
score = score + 1
--After each press on Button set a new target on X Axes for the Button to move
targetX = love.math.random(50,300)
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function move (dt)
--Checked if the Button X position is bigger or smaller than targetX and ajust the speed to positive or negative
if (button.x - targetX) > 0 then
button.x = button.x - speed * dt
elseif (button.x - targetX) < 0 then
button.x = button.x + speed * dt
button.x = button.x