LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

Yeah, they're just renamed zip-files. It didn't really work out too well with Finder auto-unzipping the archive. Not sure how to deal with this.

EDIT: @farvardin: We're experiencing the same. Running .love-files directly didn't work.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Game (/Users/eric/dl/ does not exist.
Farvardin: Just curious, is "eric" referring to your home directory or my home directory? I thought about this for a while and still can't figure out why my home directory path appears when you're trying to open .

rude: I can't figure out why .zips don't work . Do they work on windows/linux if you open them with love without renaming with .love extension?
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

Yes, on Windows and Linux it works regardless of extension.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by farvardin »

appleide wrote:
Game (/Users/eric/dl/ does not exist.
Farvardin: Just curious, is "eric" referring to your home directory or my home directory?
oh, so you're called Eric too? Yes, it's my name too, funny I didn't think it could confuse you, and it's refering to my home folder for sure ;)
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

rude wrote:Yes, on Windows and Linux it works regardless of extension.
Okay, I seriously have no idea why it doesn't work. I won't have time to investigate further for a couple of weeks; I have end of semester exams starting tomorrow. :|
farvardin wrote: oh, so you're called Eric too? Yes, it's my name too, funny I didn't think it could confuse you, and it's refering to my home folder for sure ;)
Haha what a coincidence. 8-)

To sum it up... There is still problems with love on mac opening zip archives. They must be unzipped first, for now. (Then enter "open -a love path_to_directory" on terminal, or rename folder with extension .love and double click.)
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

Nice instructions (readme.rtf), by the way. Didn't read them until now. Thankfully, I've gained some XCode experience these past months, so I should be able to figure things out when I eventually get my own Mac.

About weird that that's not possible with XCode alone. Nice work figuring that out anyway.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Thanks... I wrote most of it as I progressed through compiling to log my steps, so just had to clean it up a bit. Not like that took alot of effort... ;)
About weird that that's not possible with XCode alone. Nice work figuring that out anyway.
There are only 2 ways you can get XCode to do this. The first one is compile the libraries yourself and setting their "installation path"; XCode copies linked libraries' installation paths to the executables. I couldn't do this for libraries and frameworks I didn't compile myself. The second one is two tell XCode to execute scripts after compiling automatically. I haven't gotten this to work so... Its only a matter of experience, rather than technical difficulties.

So you haven't gotten your mac yet... Well, I could volunteer myself to compile mac versions until you do? If you want, I'd be glad to do it until someone better comes along. xD

I think I left some sentences in the read me;
You don't need libjpeg, libpng; they are already inside IL.framework. All the prerequisites are inside Just get the new XCode, if you need it. If you are really short of bandwidth I could save it in older compatible versions though - -.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

appleide wrote:So you haven't gotten your mac yet
Nor have I ordered one, just so that's clear. I have a Mac right now, but that's because the university is lending me one, and that won't last forever.
appleide wrote:Well, I could volunteer myself
Yeah? That would be great. Maybe you should get SVN write access then. Do you have a SourceForge account?
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

my sourceforge account is appleide, too. I was thinking I'd just download linux sources and compile those... But svn-ing the sources work too, I suppose. I'm unfamiliar with SVN, used it only once or twice a while ago, but I guess I'll get to know it soon. What's the SVN-access url for love's repository?
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by Green_Hell »

Code: Select all

svn co love
I guess. Copied from sourceforge. ;)
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