Need help with rendering player from spritesheet correctly

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Need help with rendering player from spritesheet correctly

Post by DjKniteX »

So I figured out why my character wasn't working on the levels (sometimes he'll stay on the tiles but most time he goes through them) and is that the rendering the full width of the sprite sheet where I only want it to render the one (it actually just renders the animation with one pictures at a time but it's assuming the whole sheet is the charcter.

Anyone have any ideas?


Code: Select all

local Class = require 'libs/hump/class'
local Entity = require 'entities/Entity'

local time = 0
local maxTime = 0.080
local frames = {}
local currentFrame = 1
local jump ="assets/jump.mp3", "static")

local player = Class{
  __includes = Entity -- Player class inherits our Entity class

function player:init(world, x, y)
  self.img ='/assets/linus.png')
  for y = 1, 1 do
    for x = 1, 6 do
      table.insert(frames, * x - 32, 32 * y - 32, 32, 32, self.img:getDimensions()))


  Entity.init(self, world, x, y, self.img:getWidth(), self.img:getHeight())

  -- Add our unique player values
  self.xVelocity = 0 -- current velocity on x, y axes
  self.yVelocity = 0
  self.acc = 100 -- the acceleration of our player
  self.maxSpeed = 600 -- the top speed
  self.friction = 20 -- slow our player down - we could toggle this situationally to create icy or slick platforms
  self.gravity = 80 -- we will accelerate towards the bottom

    -- These are values applying specifically to jumping
  self.isJumping = false -- are we in the process of jumping?
  self.isGrounded = false -- are we on the ground?
  self.hasReachedMax = false  -- is this as high as we can go?
  self.jumpAcc = 500 -- how fast do we accelerate towards the top
  self.jumpMaxSpeed = 11 -- our speed limit while jumping = 1 = 1
  self.offset = 15, self:getRect())

function player:collisionFilter(other)
  local x, y, w, h =
  local playerBottom = self.y + self.h
  local otherBottom = y + h

  if playerBottom <= y then -- bottom of player collides with top of platform.
    return 'slide'

function player:update(dt)
  local prevX, prevY = self.x, self.y
  local width = 32
	local height =32

  -- Apply Friction
  self.xVelocity = self.xVelocity * (1 - math.min(dt * self.friction, 1))
  self.yVelocity = self.yVelocity * (1 - math.min(dt * self.friction, 1))

  -- Apply gravity
  self.yVelocity = self.yVelocity + self.gravity * dt

  if love.keyboard.isDown("left", "a") and self.xVelocity > -self.maxSpeed then
    self.xVelocity = self.xVelocity - self.acc * dt = -1
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("right", "d") and self.xVelocity < self.maxSpeed then = 1
    self.xVelocity = self.xVelocity + self.acc * dt

  -- The Jump code gets a lttle bit crazy.  Bare with me.
  if love.keyboard.isDown("up", "w", "space") then
    if -self.yVelocity < self.jumpMaxSpeed and not self.hasReachedMax then
      self.yVelocity = self.yVelocity - self.jumpAcc * dt
    elseif math.abs(self.yVelocity) > self.jumpMaxSpeed then
      self.hasReachedMax = true

    self.isGrounded = false -- we are no longer in contact with the ground

  -- these store the location the player will arrive at should
  local goalX = self.x + self.xVelocity
  local goalY = self.y + self.yVelocity

  -- Move the player while testing for collisions
  self.x, self.y, collisions, len =, goalX, goalY, self.collisionFilter)

  -- Loop through those collisions to see if anything important is happening
  for i, coll in ipairs(collisions) do
    if coll.touch.y > goalY then  -- We touched below (remember that higher locations have lower y values) our intended target.
      self.hasReachedMax = true -- this scenario does not occur in this demo
      self.isGrounded = false
    elseif coll.normal.y < 0 then
      self.hasReachedMax = false
      self.isGrounded = true

	--update our time event each frame.
	time = time + dt

	--when time becomes equal or bigger than maximum time;
	if time >= maxTime then
		--reset it
		time = 0

		--and update our current frame.
		currentFrame = currentFrame + 1

		--if current frame becomes bigger than length of the frames,
		if currentFrame > #frames then

			--reset it to first frame, and loop restarts.
			currentFrame = 1


function player:draw(), frames[currentFrame], self.x, self.y,0,,,self.offset)'line', self:getRect())

return player
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Nine Iron
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Re: Need help with rendering player from spritesheet correctly

Post by Nine Iron »

You're scaling your image on the x axis by the image width when you're calling the new quad.
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Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:35 pm

Re: Need help with rendering player from spritesheet correctly

Post by DjKniteX »

Nine Iron wrote: Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:46 pm You're scaling your image on the x axis by the image width when you're calling the new quad.
Yo that worked! thanks
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Nine Iron
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Re: Need help with rendering player from spritesheet correctly

Post by Nine Iron »

No problem, glad to help.
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