Super Samurai Guy

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Re: Super Samurai Guy

Post by SSG_DEV »

New update! It’s been too long!

Super Samurai Guy is now “procure on site”. That means you start without weapons and have to obtain them in the dungeon.

New weapon - Tantou
New short sword. Fast attack but range is minuscule.

Bustersword - Super Slash
If you hold down Z long enough it charges a powerful attack

Gashapon Capsule ball system
If you pick up another weapon the old weapon gets spat into a Gashapon capsule ball

  • Lots of backend changes
  • Some background tiles
  • Physics is running at 40FPS, while GFX are at 60FPS. This is to help ensure the game is deterministic so that we can use the new replay feature coming in the future.

@ken.athomos thanks! :)

@nyenye glad you think it's fast paced! that's what we're going for :)
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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:43 pm

Re: Super Samurai Guy

Post by edaojs »

Hey Buddy, great work !
Can you teach me how to make the slash effect on the sword ? Like you did in the second and third gif.
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