Lag spike on (or just after) start

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Lag spike on (or just after) start

Post by NotExplosive »

Today while working on my game I noticed that it freezes for roughly 1.0 seconds right after startup. I say right after startup because it draws the first frame in its entirety and THEN freezes on the first frame. Normally if I'm loading too much in at once I see a white frame at first-- that's not what I'm seeing.

I did a bunch of experiments: namely I ripped out all of the game code and found it still happened. As a final experiment I ran love.exe on its own to see the "No Game" screen and sure enough it has the lag spike too!

I'm running love 11.3 and I've been running it for months with no issue. Has anyone else seen this before? It's taking me longer to iterate since it adds an extra second to my tweak/run workflow.

Update: Reboot fixed it. I hate heisenbugs
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