Accessing device camera?

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Accessing device camera?

Post by TypicalHB »

Is it possible to access a devices camera using Love? If not, is there any libraries that allow me to access the camera that will work with love?
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Re: Accessing device camera?

Post by MrFariator »

I don't think love has any built-in way to access device camera, but you could load a C library via luajit FFI. With some googling there are libraries like OpenCV that'd do the job, but might not hurt to search around a bit more if that's a bit too large of library for you.
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Re: Accessing device camera?

Post by AuahDark »

These kind of thing entriely depends on platform. In mobile, if user didn't grant you Camera permission then there's nothing you can do.
Profile. Do you encounter crashes in LÖVE Android and wanna send me logcats? Please hit me up in LÖVE Discord and send the full logcat file!
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