I tried with some libraries, like Gamera, Stalker-X and Cam11, I usually use Gamera in my projects, but I have problem with the scale (when scale is less that 0.5) and anothers mistakes, and the other libs doesn't work well with tilemap, or maybe is a error of my code.
I made a project to test the Cameras libraries but only with Gamera I can move in the tilemap, with trick.
I'm looking for way to scale the tilemap and camera together, and use other functionalities like angle in my futures projects.
Then, what is the best way to integrate Sti and these cameras libraries?
For example: STI and Gamera
Code: Select all
function camera_gamera:draw(map)
local cx,cy,_,_=cam:getVisible()
love.graphics.print("hello world", 100,100)