Hi, so I have downloaded love2D, VS code and installed love2d support extension made by pixelbyte
I went to VS code's preference and changed the PATH for my love.exe
also I checked if shortcut key is set there and i see Alt+L to run it
I made a folder and a main.lua in and i tried to run it by pressing shortcut but nothing happens
if I drag and drop the folder to love.exe, it works...
How can i make it to work on VS code? if anyone has idea what i'm doing wrong please let me know
I'm using windows 10 and I installed by love installer. I have VS code and the main.lua file in the same drive.
I don't have Lua installed.
How to make a shortcut key on Love2d support to work?
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Re: How to make a shortcut key on Love2d support to work?
Hi and welcome to the forums!
Did you modified "pixelbyte.love2d.srcDir" setting? It sets source folder to search for main.lua as relative path from root of the project. Default its "src" so your main.lua must be in (root of project)/src/main.lua until you change this setting. The configuration and setup can be found here
Did you modified "pixelbyte.love2d.srcDir" setting? It sets source folder to search for main.lua as relative path from root of the project. Default its "src" so your main.lua must be in (root of project)/src/main.lua until you change this setting. The configuration and setup can be found here
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