UPDATE: It was a bug in a 3rd party lib used by LoveFrames if LoveFrames is required from a directory other than the root game directory. See
https://github.com/linux-man/LoveFrames/issues/6, I posted a quick fix until the lib is updated, and the creator of LoveFrames has been notified will do what need to be done
Glad it wasn't me messing up somehow.
Leaving this here for our overlord and master, Google, for those unlucky souls who run into the same thing until it's fixed.
I'm a little rusty with Lua, not that I was ever an expert, but I'm running into this error when requiring loveframes:
Code: Select all
libs/loveframes/init.lua:305: attempt to index local 'base' (a nil value)
Now, I've required the project correctly, I believe (or it wouldn't even be dipping into init.lua:
Code: Select all
loveframes = require "libs.loveframes"
(and the library is under PROJECTDIR/libs/loveframes/)
So, before I start trying to figure out the scope issue with base here, I figured I'd ask if anyone else sees this issue? Is it something I need to fix, something to do with Love2D version, etc?
Using the most recent Love2D on MacOS Catalina.
(p.s. Strangely the demo runs fine if I load *that* into Love, no errors thrown, even as my require statement breaks the program
I also tried to find this problem vis Google and the forum search, so forgive me if it's been answered before, I just couldn't find anything on it.)