This is my first time posting here, I've been looking around for an easy answer to my questions but I'm not satisfied so I'm making this post! If this has already been answered repeatedly then by all means, do point me in the right direction!
I'm following CS50's Introduction to Game Dev on edX, which is how I learned about Love2D and so far I'm löving it (pun intended ) I managed to complete the first 3 assignments on my own, however I'm still very new to LUA development and something about my setup is really bugging me.
I'm using Windows 10, my editor of choice is Microsoft's VS Code, and I'd like it to stay that way. I'm using GitBash for my terminal but I also have WSL installed and I think, I have installed LUA 5.1 after blindly following some random post I found lying around. Installing LUA might actually be the single hardest thing I never managed to do. My main concerns are:
- Debugging Love2D projects, namely having something to output to
- Code styling / LUA support