Cactus Game 2

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Cactus Game 2

Post by veethree »

WARNING: This game contains Strong language, Immature and crude humor, And a sprinkle of drug references, If you're not into that you should skip this one :)

Hi. I've been working on a sequel to Cactus Game. A really stupid infinite runner that totally rips off that game you can play in Google Chrome when your internet is out.

It's about 80% done at this point i'd say, And i'd like it if some of you could test it out for me and let me know what you think. The game works fine on PC, But due to it's casual nature, The target platform is mobile. I've only tested it on android because i don't have access to an IOS device. If any of you do, and could test it i'd appreciate it :)
The attachment logo.png is no longer available
  • Jumping and sliding
  • Day & night cycle just for looks
  • A bunch of unlockable* skins, Cosmetic only.
  • An original soundtrack consisting of a single song. This will be expanded later on i hope.
  • Bad pixelart, Though slightly better than the first game.
Planned features:
  • More drug references, Meaning pickups that alter the gameplay in a fun way
*The skin unlocking mechanic hasn't been implemented yet, They're all unlocked by default.

The source code is available on Github.

The latest .love available below.
Cactus Game
(8.7 MiB) Downloaded 436 times
*Made for Löve 11.3
Cactus Game
(8.7 MiB) Downloaded 405 times
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by Germanunkol »

Very cool, feels so polished! :)
I suck at these games though, I never get far.

When shaders are on, I get a weird line along the top of the pyramid.
Screenshot_2020-05-11_22-30-39.png (100.37 KiB) Viewed 12491 times
Also, it was a bit difficult to see my green skin on the pyramid.
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by veethree »

Thanks for checking it out. I get those lines on the sun/moon sometimes, I believe it's caused by the fact i stupidly didn't put any padding on the sprite sheets, That's on my to do list.
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by sphyrth »

The game was a "rip-off" until the Poison Mushroom part. I loved it. :awesome:

As for the "weird line" problem: Love2D has a problem displaying objects in coordinates with decimal numbers. The problem is very pronounced when displaying a batch of tiles. (Maybe it also happens in other frameworks or Lua in general, but that's an accepted truth. you need to round them up/down with math.ceil() or math.floor().

I usually prefer doing that in the update functions (i.e. your sky:update(dt))

Code: Select all

	--Sun & Moon position
	self.moon.angle = self.time + math.pi
	self.moon.x = math.floor(self.centerX + (self.orbitRadius * math.sin(self.moon.angle)))
	self.moon.y = math.floor(self.centerY + (self.orbitRadius * math.cos(self.moon.angle)))

	self.sun.angle = self.time
	self.sun.x = math.floor(self.centerX + (self.orbitRadius * math.sin(self.sun.angle)))
	self.sun.y = math.floor(self.centerY + (self.orbitRadius * math.cos(self.sun.angle)))
But something tells me that doing it in in sky:draw() is better so as to not to mess with the real coordinates.

Code: Select all

	--Moon & sun
	lg.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
	lg.draw(self.atlas, self.quad[1], math.floor(self.moon.x), math.floor(self.moon.y), 0, drawSize / assetSize, drawSize / assetSize, assetSize / 2, assetSize / 2)
	lg.draw(self.atlas, self.quad[9], math.floor(self.sun.x), math.floor(self.sun.y), 0, drawSize / assetSize, drawSize / assetSize, assetSize / 2, assetSize / 2)
You can do the same with the pyramid, or the other sprites as well. (The self.moon.x doesn't seem to have a problem, but I rounded them down out of habit.)
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by veethree »

Small update. Mostly bugfixes
  • Fixed the weird line issue (Thanks sphyrth :))
  • Fixed the audio clicking issue when pressing the back button
  • Tweaked entity spawning to make longer games more likely
  • Added the "extra points for clearing enemies while tripping" mechanic the tutorial was lying about before.
  • Figured out how to make APK's so you can try the game on android without having the löve app installed
  • Bunch of other things i don't recall
I can't attach the APK here but you can get it on github
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by Ulydev »

Really cool looking game! Music is great and the tutorial is well done. The humor in the tutorial is a nice touch, but I would let more time for the player to read the text before an obstacle comes. Also, jumping while I was sliding made me invisible and invincible :-)
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Re: Cactus Game 2

Post by CrimsonGuy »

Imo you should have named it Cactwos games or something like that ^^
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