Compiling on OSX?

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Compiling on OSX?

Post by camperman »

Hello all,

Thoroughly impressed Mac-using Love newbie here. But I would like to compile it for myself, to try out LuaJIT for starters but also because I would like to add support for other C libraries. I've downloaded the 0.7.0 beta source but didn't get terribly far. Is there a Mac-friendly source tree out there for public download? I know this one isn't because, among other things, it doesn't link to SDL_main.m which I thought was a requirement when building SDL-capable apps on OSX (happy to be corrected though).

_Someone_ must have one obviously because I'm running 0.7.0 beta quite happily here :) Or is there a magic incantation I'm missing? I know I will need all the additional support libraries to compile the whole thing obviously.
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Re: Compiling on OSX?

Post by nevon »

Did you check the platform/macosx/ directory? There's both an xcode project and an autobuild script in there. I'm not an OS X user myself, so I don't know the details, but that might get you started.
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Re: Compiling on OSX?

Post by bmelts »


The source tree on bitbucket is the Mac-friendly source tree (and the Windows-friendly, and the Linux-friendly). It's all one tree. Makes things much simpler that way.

You are correct that linking to SDLMain is a requirement for OS X SDL apps*. Conveniently, the Mac version does, in fact, use SDLMain.m - it's even in the source tree (look under platforms/macosx, where the Xcode project also lives).

As far as building it goes, as long as you have Xcode, it's pretty trivial - download the frameworks and dump them in /Library/Frameworks. Then just open up love.xcodeproj inside platforms/macosx, and click Build. Voila, your own personal bleeding-edge Bring to a rolling boil, add custom libraries and bindings to taste, stir vigorously.

If you have any questions or run into any problems, I'm your guy - I'm on the #love IRC channel and, obviously, here on the forums. Good luck!

*It is right now, anyway. It's no longer a requirement in SDL 1.3, but that's not out yet.
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Re: Compiling on OSX?

Post by camperman »

Duh - ignore me. Looking at the wrong source tree. Back to your regularly scheduled programming :)
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Re: Compiling on OSX?

Post by camperman »

Thanks anjo - grabbing the frameworks now.
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