Finding the intersecting point of two lines

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Finding the intersecting point of two lines

Post by Pordrack »

Hello ! Do you know if there's a way to find the intersecting point of two lines, using the x and y of the start and end point of each line ? Like a function, or a library for lua. I searched for mathematic solutions, but the one I found require the line's equations, which I don't have and don't really know how to get. The lines I use have a fixed length but a "dynamic" angle which I know.
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Re: Finding the intersecting point of two lines

Post by MrFariator »

On the love2d wiki there is a general math page, and it contains the following function:

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-- Checks if two lines intersect (or line segments if seg is true)
-- Lines are given as four numbers (two coordinates)
function math.findIntersect(l1p1x,l1p1y, l1p2x,l1p2y, l2p1x,l2p1y, l2p2x,l2p2y, seg1, seg2)
  local a1,b1,a2,b2 = l1p2y-l1p1y, l1p1x-l1p2x, l2p2y-l2p1y, l2p1x-l2p2x
  local c1,c2 = a1*l1p1x+b1*l1p1y, a2*l2p1x+b2*l2p1y
  local det,x,y = a1*b2 - a2*b1
  if det==0 then return false, "The lines are parallel." end
  x,y = (b2*c1-b1*c2)/det, (a1*c2-a2*c1)/det
  if seg1 or seg2 then
    local min,max = math.min, math.max
    if seg1 and not (min(l1p1x,l1p2x) <= x and x <= max(l1p1x,l1p2x) and min(l1p1y,l1p2y) <= y and y <= max(l1p1y,l1p2y)) or
       seg2 and not (min(l2p1x,l2p2x) <= x and x <= max(l2p1x,l2p2x) and min(l2p1y,l2p2y) <= y and y <= max(l2p1y,l2p2y)) then
      return false, "The lines don't intersect."
  return x,y
So if you want to know if the lines intersect between their start and end points (presented in two sets of x and y values of each point), just pass "true" to the seg1 and seg2 parameters; otherwise the function will figure out the point at which the lines will intersect (as though they go on forever). Or you can just remove the if-then statement from the function to simplify its use.
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Re: Finding the intersecting point of two lines

Post by Pordrack »

Thanks a lot
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