It's just been a very busy week and I haven't had time to do much Lua. And I'm not sure I will be able to program this weekend, neither.
Thelinx's change request changes the init.lua files so they it is more or less 'impervious' to middleclass(-extras) being put inside a folder (/lib/middleclass instead of just /middleclass/).
My initial impression was that the 'standard' way of dealing with this was modifying package.path (on the example before, package.path = '/lib/?;' .. package.path).
I'm not really sure about what option do I like the most:
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-- Current solution (while we are at it, we could also include init.lua in the loading)
package.path = '/lib/?;/lib/?/init.lua' .. package.path
-- thelinx's solution
So I'll probably end up accepting thelinx's solution. I'm taking my time because I want to do tests before including them. More precisely, I want to test that everything works ok happens if package.path is modified, and if middleclass is transformed into a luarock.
In the meantime, if anyone else has any opinion in the whole package.path-modified-vs-including-lib-easily, I'd be glad to hear it.