When making a project I set the windoe dimensions o 800x400, and resizable to false, however this can easily be countered when the user enters fullscreen. Is there any way to disable the user from pressing the fullscreen icon, hense disabling them from entering fullscreen entirely?
-Sincerely, Falkyraizu
How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
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Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
When you call love.window.setMode, passing in a table that contains "resizable = false" should work.
If that still somehow doesn't work, then I believe you have to share some code as to how you're setting the window flags; mentioning your OS probably wouldn't hurt, either.
If that still somehow doesn't work, then I believe you have to share some code as to how you're setting the window flags; mentioning your OS probably wouldn't hurt, either.
- Prole
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Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
Your wrong. `resizable = false` makes the user unable to resize the window. The fullscreen button still works. I want to disable the user from entering fullscreen entirely. This is not going to help you, but if you want the code, here it is:MrFariator wrote: ↑Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:24 am When you call love.window.setMode, passing in a table that contains "resizable = false" should work.
If that still somehow doesn't work, then I believe you have to share some code as to how you're setting the window flags; mentioning your OS probably wouldn't hurt, either.
Code: Select all
running = true
function love.load()
love.graphics.setDefaultFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
rFont = love.graphics.newFont('font.ttf', 16)
love.window.setMode(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, {
fullscreen = false,
resizable = false,
vsync = true
stateMSG = 'Press [Space] to start the game'
rColor, gColor, bColor = math.random(), math.random(), math.random()
ballX = WINDOW_WIDTH / 2 - 2
ballY = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 - 2
ballDX = math.random(2) == 1 and 100 or -100
ballDY = math.random(-50,50)
player1Y = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 - 40
player2Y = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 - 40
speed = 200
gameState = 'waiting'
function love.update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown('w') then
player1Y = math.max(0, player1Y - speed * dt)
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('s') then
player1Y = math.min(WINDOW_HEIGHT - 80, player1Y + speed * dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
player2Y = math.max(0, player2Y - speed * dt)
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
player2Y = math.min(WINDOW_HEIGHT - 80, player2Y + speed * dt)
if gameState == 'playing' then
ballX = ballX + ballDX * dt
ballY = ballY + ballDX * dt
function love.draw()
love.graphics.clear(131/255, 111/255, 255/255)
love.graphics.printf(stateMSG, 0, 20, WINDOW_WIDTH, 'center')
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, player1Y, 20, 80)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', WINDOW_WIDTH - 20, player2Y, 20, 80)
love.graphics.setColor(rColor, gColor, bColor)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', ballX, ballY, 8, 8)
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == 'escape' then
if key == 'space' then
if gameState == 'waiting' then
gameState = 'playing'
stateMSG = "Game in Progress. Press 'r' To Replay"
elseif key == 'r' then
gameState = "waiting"
ballX = WINDOW_WIDTH / 2 - 2
ballY = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 - 2
ballDX = math.random(2) == 1 and 100 or -100
ballDY = math.random(-50,50)
stateMSG = "Round Reset! Press [Space] To Begin A New Round."
rColor, gColor, bColor = math.random(), math.random(), math.random()
- slime
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Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
With your code, the fullscreen button is completely disabled for me (macOS 10.15 - but it's been like this since around when we first implemented macOS Fullscreen-Spaces support in SDL in 2013-ish). SDL is supposed to disable it when window resizing is disabled on macOS, so the behaviour matches my expectations.
If you're using a different OS, the OS itself might be bypassing what the window requests. What sort of system are you using?
Here's a screenshot demonstrating that it's disabled:
If you're using a different OS, the OS itself might be bypassing what the window requests. What sort of system are you using?
Here's a screenshot demonstrating that it's disabled:
- Prole
- Posts: 10
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Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
I am on a chromebook. Linux is my operating system.slime wrote: ↑Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:04 pm With your code, the fullscreen button is completely disabled for me (macOS 10.15 - but it's been like this since around when we first implemented macOS Fullscreen-Spaces support in SDL in 2013-ish). SDL is supposed to disable it when window resizing is disabled on macOS, so the behaviour matches my expectations.
If you're using a different OS, the OS itself might be bypassing what the window requests. What sort of system are you using?
Here's a screenshot demonstrating that it's disabled:
Edit; Since it is suppodesly an operating system problem, does that mean there is a way to tell the system to disable it? Is there any function that allows me to disable fullscreen since the resizable method isn;t working. Overall I wan't to ensure that users are not able to go into fullscreen when they view my project.
Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
It's more of a window manager problem, but some OSes come with just one.
If your window manager doesn't honour the resize flag, that's a problem that needs to be fixed by the window manager authors.
WindowMaker is the one I use, and while it doesn't disable the maximize options (assuming that's what you mean by fullscreen), the window doesn't become larger when I select them anyway.
If it's so important for you, you can just draw to a canvas of the desired target size and draw that canvas centred on the screen. Or you can use the scissor to clip the drawing area. If some user manages to work around the resizing limitation, they will just see the same area they see when the window is normal.
If your window manager doesn't honour the resize flag, that's a problem that needs to be fixed by the window manager authors.
WindowMaker is the one I use, and while it doesn't disable the maximize options (assuming that's what you mean by fullscreen), the window doesn't become larger when I select them anyway.
If it's so important for you, you can just draw to a canvas of the desired target size and draw that canvas centred on the screen. Or you can use the scissor to clip the drawing area. If some user manages to work around the resizing limitation, they will just see the same area they see when the window is normal.
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Re: How to disable player from entering fullscreen window in love2d.
Technically you could also query the window's current resolution with love.window.getMode(), and check if it's fullscreened, maximized, or something else. If it's something you don't want it to be, then just set the mode to the desired resolution. This, however, is a very janky solution, and probably only worth doing if you're really bent on keeping user's window, well, windowed.
Because this seems to be an window manager specific issue, however, you should be fine with pgimeno's advice. A good chunk of end users probably won't notice the issue at all, considering Windows and OSX (and iirc, stock Ubuntu) respect the resize flag just fine in my experience.
Because this seems to be an window manager specific issue, however, you should be fine with pgimeno's advice. A good chunk of end users probably won't notice the issue at all, considering Windows and OSX (and iirc, stock Ubuntu) respect the resize flag just fine in my experience.
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