Text Editors can't find LOVE

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Text Editors can't find LOVE

Post by Nerdzmasterz »


I'm new here. I have installed Atom and ZeroBrane and attempted to run a main.Lua file in each one. Both of them gave me a traceback, claiming that they couldn't find Love 2D, which I installed. That's all I did. As a noob, what am I possibly missing? :huh:
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Re: Text Editors can't find LOVE

Post by paulclinger »

@Nerdzmasterz, I posted instructions for Love debugging with ZeroBrane Studio here (http://notebook.kulchenko.com/zerobrane ... -debugging). You need to make sure you select Love2d as the interpreter ("Program | Lua Interpreters | Love2d") and that you have love executable in one of the folders that the IDE knows about (there are several folders it checks, but the exact list is system-dependent) or in PATH. You can also explicitly configure your love executable path using `path.love2d` configuration setting (https://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-genera ... reter-path). If you post the exact error you are getting, we can provide better advice on how to fix this.
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Re: Text Editors can't find LOVE

Post by luarocks »

To run love-project you need to open with love the directory (or archive) where main.lua located, but not main.lua itself. For example:

Code: Select all

cd ~/my_awesome_project
/usr/bin/love .
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Re: Text Editors can't find LOVE

Post by Nerdzmasterz »

Thank you! Sorry for the late reply. I managed to get Zerobranes to work, though I'm not entirely sure how.
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