I am making a shoot'em up game, where the enemy is shooting at the player (or a target coordinate)
How do you make the bullet fly in a straight line at the player, when f.ex the shot source coordinates are at 300,300 and the player is at coordinates 500,500?
How do you calculate shooting vector [Solved]
How do you calculate shooting vector [Solved]
Last edited by axehigh on Sun Jan 19, 2020 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: How do you calculate shooting vector
Math function "atan2" calculates angle based on coordinates to the target (from 0,0).
Re: How do you calculate shooting vector
You don't need atan2 for that though. You can use the vector length formula:
Now, the vector from the enemy to the player is given by (player - enemy), that's player.x - enemy.x, player.y - enemy.y. Divide that by its length:
and you have a unit vector pointing from the enemy to the player. Multiply that by dt times the bullet speed, and voilà.
Code: Select all
local function vector_length(x, y)
return math.sqrt(x^2+y^2)
Code: Select all
local vx = player.x - enemy.x
local vy = player.y - enemy.y
local vlen = vector_length(vx, vy)
vx = vx / vlen
vy = vy / vlen
Re: How do you calculate shooting vector
Worked like a charm
Worked like a charm
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