Sorry, I do not quite understand what it means. Can be described in more detail?

Sorry, I do not quite understand what it means. Can be described in more detail?
Thank you for your appreciation
Code: Select all
for (int i = 0; i < 1000 * 100; i++)
var x = Mathf.Random() * 800;
var y = Mathf.Random() * 600;
var r = Mathf.Random() * 30 + 1;
var c = Mathf.Random();
Graphics.SetColor(c, c, c);
Graphics.Circle(DrawMode.Fill, x, y, r);
Code: Select all
for i=0, 1000 * 100 do
x = love.math.random() * 800
y = love.math.random() * 600
r = love.math.random() * 30 + 1
c = love.math.random(), c, c)"fill", x, y, r)
Code: Select all
lmr = love.math.random
lgs =
lgc =
for i=0, 1000 * 100 do
x = lmr() * 800
y = lmr() * 600
r = lmr() * 30 + 1
c = lmr()
lgs(c, c, c)
lgc("fill", x, y, r)
Thank you for your appreciatio !
What do you mean? .NET has used JIT since almost the very beginning.
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