Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.draw?

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Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.draw?

Post by Gold_Car »

...Or, should I go all out and set a system up my own way?
Basically, a real retro game has no concept of rotated pixels or differently sized pixels. All pixels there are the same size and are always rotated by 0 degrees. What I want to know is what way I should go about "filtering" the graphical output of a LOVE simulation so that everything is consistently pixelated automatically, even if I put a"fill", 0,3, 23,5, 31,2, 17,0, 2,1) in the draw loop.

Here's a picture of what I mean:
sHt.png (6.88 KiB) Viewed 4375 times
I wouldn't necessarily be using this to abuse the processor with automatic pixelation of complicated polygons, my goal is really more to use whatever is good for it to draw my pixel art characters into a pseudo-16-bit game and make absolutely certain that they never break the holy pixel rule, even if the camera zooms out or the characters start spinning rapidly.

I know what to do if the answer is no, but is there a simple way out there, like a free-to-use shader/filter or something like that?
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Re: Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.dra

Post by nameless tee »

You can do that by rendering to a small canvas and then drawing the canvas to the screen at a larger scale.

Attached to this reply is an example that hopefully does what you want:

If you want even rougher edges you can set mssa to zero in the code.

While loading you calculate the scale, create a canvas and set the filtering to nearest so it gets pixelated when it is drawn to the screen:

Code: Select all

	local w, h =
	-- Calculate size of downscaled picture.
	-- Use ceil to round to the next larger number.
	-- This is necessary for the following reasons:
	--	- The upscaled canvas should not be larger than the window
	--	- The size of the large pixels should be an integer multiple of
	--		small pixels so that all large pixels end up the same size
	cw, ch =
	-- Create a canvas to draw the image to.
	canvas =
		cw, ch,
		-- Use MSAA if you want to get nice edges
		-- If you want the rough staircase use msaa = 0 instead.
	-- Set canvas filter to nearest so the image gets pixelated and not blurred
	canvas:setFilter("nearest", "nearest")
When drawing, you first draw to the canvas, then you draw the canvas to the screen:

Code: Select all

	-- Set the canvas to draw to
	-- The canvas needs to be cleared explicitly, .5, 1)
	-- [draw some stuff]
	-- Stop drawing to the canvas
	-- Color must be set to white while drawing canvas or else
	-- the whole image will be tinted.,1,1)
	-- Draw the (magnified) canvas to the screen
Edit: Removed unnecessary detail from snippets.
(1.01 KiB) Downloaded 157 times
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Re: Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.dra

Post by KayleMaster »

Lol @ rotated pixels.
If you draw at a lower resolution like nameless tee suggested, and then upscale the result to actually fit your screen, you'll be able to see the "actual" pixels. Of course nameless tee has done all that for you, so you just use that.
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Re: Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.dra

Post by Gold_Car »

I just checked that example .love file out. I'm really surprised by the fact that it works, but it does!
SHT!.png (24.62 KiB) Viewed 4280 times
I probably would have tried this myself to begin with, but I knew about the warning on the newCanvas() page and thought I would have to make the canvas-maker get repeatedly called constantly and slow everything down - I hadn't realized that a canvas could display more than one instant in time.

Thanks for this.
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Re: Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.dra

Post by raidho36 »

Make sure to disable filtering on all your sprites.
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Re: Is there a simple way to make retro graphics render strictly within big-pixel-locations no matter what's in love.dra

Post by zorg »

Gold_Car wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:42 pm I hadn't realized that a canvas could display more than one instant in time.
Yep, that's pretty much the purpose of a Canvas, to have one to draw to repeatedly... pretty sure you're also not just creating images with newImage each frame either... right? :awesome:
Me and my stuff :3True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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