Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
It's that time of year again!
Make a cardoid animation with LÖVE2D in 1K or less
1.No external assets such as fonts or animation
2.Everything must be contained in a single main.lua file
3.Your main.lua file cannot exceed 1K
Thanks for participating!
Make a cardoid animation with LÖVE2D in 1K or less
1.No external assets such as fonts or animation
2.Everything must be contained in a single main.lua file
3.Your main.lua file cannot exceed 1K
Thanks for participating!
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Code: Select all
l = love
g =
m = math
s,c = m.sin,m.cos
p = m.pi
for i = -50,50 do
t = i/100*6
a[#a+1] = 10*(16*s(t)^3)
a[#a+1] = -10*(13*c(t)-5*c(2*t)-2*c(3*t)-c(4*t)) - 20
for i = -50,50 do
t = i/100*p*2
b[#b+1] = 120*c(t - p/2)
b[#b+1] = 120*s(t - p/2)
h = g.newCanvas()
r = 0
function l.draw()
r = r + 0.05
q = (s(r) + 1)/2
for i = 1, #b do
d[i] = (a[i]*q + b[i]*(1-q))/2
u = l.math.triangulate(d)
g.rectangle('fill', 0,0, 800,600)
g.translate(400, 300)
g.scale(4, 4)
for _,t in ipairs(u) do
g.scale(0.95, 0.95)
for _,t in ipairs(u) do
Code: Select all
l=love;;m=math;s,c=m.sin,m.cos;p=m.pi;a={}for e=-50,50 do t=e/100*6;a[#a+1]=10*16*s(t)^3;a[#a+1]=-10*(13*c(t)-5*c(2*t)-2*c(3*t)-c(4*t))-20 end;b={}for e=-50,50 do t=e/100*p*2;b[#b+1]=120*c(t-p/2)b[#b+1]=120*s(t-p/2)end;d={}h=g.newCanvas()r=0;function l.draw()r=r+0.05;q=(s(r)+1)/2;for e=1,#b do d[e]=(a[e]*q+b[e]*(1-q))/2 end;u=l.math.triangulate(d)g.setColor(0,0,0.75)g.rectangle('fill',0,0,800,600)g.translate(400,300)g.scale(4,4)g.setColor(1,1,1)for f,t in ipairs(u)do g.polygon('fill',t)end;g.scale(0.95,0.95)g.setColor(0.75,0,0)for f,t in ipairs(u)do g.polygon('fill',t)end end
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Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
I tried compressing and encoding your code, unfortunately it is only a few bytes smaller. But the result is more readable
Code: Select all
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Last time I did this challenge I cheated too, but I used a binary string instead of a base64 encoded string. It allowed me to implement tic-tac-toe with pixel graphics, different colors, score tracking, play against a human and a 2 level AI (no minimax though). Try your luck compressing it into a binary string. Be aware that C++ doesn't likes null characters, so you'll have to screw around with raw text until you get the right compression; automated tools do this but it takes a fair bit of time. You can also improve compression ratio by screwing around with order of text and whatnot. Also, putting the string in a variable instead of passing it directly into the function is a bunch of extra bytes.
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
I was able to reduce the size without compression
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Will any heart-shaped object do or does it have to be a literal cardioid?
512 bytes
Edit: 512 is a nice number, but I golfed some more, and here's a 468 bytes version, after fixing some mistakes:
Edit2: down to 462 bytes
512 bytes
Code: Select all
l=love;;i,s=g.newImage(l.image.newImageData(1,1)),g.newShader([[#define f float
#define v vec2
extern f t;f b=t*6.283;float h(v p,v c,f s){v k=(c-p)/s;f d=k.x*k.x+k.y*k.y,a=d-.5;return step(a*a*a,k.x*k.x*k.y*k.y*k.y);}vec4 effect(vec4 c,Image t,v u,v e){
vec3 r=vec3(0);for(f i=1,n=0;i<32;++i){n=i/64;f c1=n*h(e,v(350+i,240+i*3),n*400+sin(b)*50+100+cos(b*2)*50);r+=c1*vec3(u.x,.1,.2*u.y);}return vec4(r,1);}]])
g.setShader(s)function l.draw()s:send('t',l.timer.getTime()%1);g.draw(i,0,0,0,800,600)end
Edit2: down to 462 bytes
Code: Select all
l=love;;i,s=g.newCanvas(),g.newShader([[#define f float
#define v vec2
extern f t;f b=t*6.3;f h(v p,v c,f s){v k=(c-p)/s;f d=k.x*k.x+k.y*k.y,a=d-.5;return step(a*a*a,k.x*k.x*k.y*k.y*k.y);}vec4 effect(vec4 c,Image t,v u,v e){vec3 r=vec3(0);for(f i=1,n=0,c=0;i<32;++i){n=i/64;c=n*h(e,v(350+i,240+i*3),n*500+(sin(b)+cos(b*2))*50);r+=c*vec3(u.x,.1,.2*u.y);}return vec4(r,1);}]])g.setShader(s)function l.draw()s:send('t',l.timer.getTime()%1);g.draw(i)end
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Last edited by grump on Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
I tried to do a proxy minimal cardioid (283bytes)
Code: Select all
f=e*(2-e)for i=1,#a do
Last edited by monolifed on Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Nicely done Grump & ingsoc451.
Doesn't really matter if it's not a perfect cardoid.
Doesn't really matter if it's not a perfect cardoid.
- zorg
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Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
Not a perfect cardioid but with a color pulse animation in 384 350 characters/bytes:
Edit: The logo/turtle-graphics-esque sequence could probably be optimized more... also, here's the non-animated version, shaved down to 278 chars/bytes from 280:
(atm, mine are the smallest in both cases, whether or not we take the fact that the OP specified a "cardioid animation". )
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
L,u,d,l,r,x,y,C=love,{0,-1},{0,1},{-1,0},{1,0},2.5,1.5;;C=G.newCanvas(11,10)s=("rdrdrrururdrddldldldldululululuurdrdrrdlrdurururd"):gsub('.', function(c)C:renderTo(function()G.points(x,y)end)x=x+_G[c][1];y=y+_G[c][2]end)L.draw=function()G.draw(C,0,0,0,75,64,0,.2)end
Last edited by zorg on Mon Dec 30, 2019 7:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Cardioid: Sunday kind of LÖVE 1K Challenge
790 bytes
Credits: based on heart surface rendering code written by miloyip.
Code: Select all
l=love;;i,s=g.newCanvas(),g.newShader([[#define v vec3
#define f float
#define l normalize
#define r return
extern f t;f T=cos(t*3);f g(v p){v q=p*p;f a=q.x+2*q.y+q.z-1;r a*a*a-(q.x+.1*q.y)*(q*p).z;}f h(f x,f z){f y=.5;for(f a=0,b=1,i=0;i<12;i++){if(0>g(v(x,y,z)))a=y;else b=y;y=(a+b)*.5;}r y;}v n(vec2 p){v b=v(p.x,h(p.x,p.y),p.y),q=b*b,s=q*b;f a=dot(q,v(1,2,1))-1;a*=a;r l(v(-2*b.x*s.z+6*b.x*a,.1*b.y*s.z+15*b.y*a,b.z*(-3*q.x*b.z-.3*q.y*b.z+6*a)));}vec4 effect(vec4 y,Image e,vec2 u,vec2 F){v c=v(.3);v p=v(.7-u*1.4,0);v b=p*v((T*T*u.y)+2+T*T*.5,2+T*T*.25,0);v V=v(1);if(0>g(b.xzy)){v m=n(b.xy);f d=dot(m,l(V))*.5+.5;f s=pow(max(dot(m,l(V)),0),8+T*T*5);c=d*v(.6,.2,.2)+s-dot(m,V)*.2;}r vec4(c,1);}]])
g.setShader(s)function l.draw()s:send('t',l.timer.getTime()%1);g.draw(i)end
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