I am having an issue while trying to use 2 gamepads for my local multiplayer game (2 players).
Only 1 controller works fine, everything works as it should, but when I connect my 2nd controller it just doesn't work. It is recognized and it is a gamepad but none of its inputs work.
Am I doing something wrong with the assignment of its index? below I show some simple code that I was using to test it.
function love.load()
joysticks = love.joystick.getJoysticks()
joystick1 = joysticks[1]
joystick2 = joysticks[2]
position = {x = 400, y = 300}
speed = 300
function love.update(dt)
if not joystick1 then return end
if joystick2:isGamepadDown("dpleft") then
position.x = position.x - speed * dt
elseif joystick2:isGamepadDown("dpright") then
position.x = position.x + speed * dt
if joystick1:isGamepadDown("dpup") then
position.y = position.y - speed * dt
elseif joystick1:isGamepadDown("dpdown") then
position.y = position.y + speed * dt
function love.draw()
directionx = joystick1:getGamepadAxis("leftx")
directiony = joystick1:getGamepadAxis("lefty")
love.graphics.circle("fill", position.x, position.y, 50)
love.graphics.print(tostring(directionx), 100,100)
love.graphics.print(tostring(directiony), 100,150)
Pardaleco wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 4:57 am
How would I fix that?
You don't. You can work around it, however. For example, your input settings manager can remember exactly which controller the bindings belong to (by GUID or by USB VID/PID values) so it would pick up that specific controller. Or you can prompt user to specify which controller should control what object. If all else fails, you can simply detect which controller generates input events and set that to primary controller, etc.
The YouTuber Recursor has done a 50+ video series involving building up a brilliant class-based engine from zero- it's pretty amazing. One of the episodes is about the GamePadMgr class he makes, and it's amazing. Functions and output every time a controller is connected and disconnected, loads in bindings from 150+ controller brands in a .txt file, and I think sticks all the 'joystick/gamepad' objects in a table. I'll find the link and maybe post the code/assets after I get home from work
function love.joystickadded(joystick)
connected[joystick] = joystick
--print(joystick:getGUID().." added joystick "..joystick:getName().." with "..joystick:getButtonCount().." buttons")
function love.joystickremoved( joystick )
--print("removed joystick "..joystick:getName())
connected[joystick] = nil
I think you should wrap Love2d Joystick functionality with your own functions/methods.