Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
Yeah, the maze is a "perfect maze" (a spanning tree of a grid graph, in graph theory terms). A consequence is that from any point to any other point, there's only one path that does not retrace any steps. In other words, the solution is always unique.
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
I see that is a mathematical maze solver I was thinking about something like this:
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
Subsequent to the post of (Sep 21, 2019 12:11 pm) pgimeno and his reference to my post by: May 17, 2018 5:17 pm.
The program that was in question at that time I have finally finished with the love-template (published here).
it went well after all. you just have to forget about the love-mechanics.
the main code:
The program that was in question at that time I have finally finished with the love-template (published here).
it went well after all. you just have to forget about the love-mechanics.
the main code:
Code: Select all
-- main.lua (KT01 template: pgimeno)
concept of:
various considerations:
-- possible moves
local pm = {{-2,1},{-1,2},{1,2},{2,1},{-2,-1},{-1,-2},{1,-2},{2,-1}}
local n = 8 -- number rowscollons
local cbx = n -- rows
local cby = n -- colls
-- startfeld - randomized (for testing)
math.randomseed (os.time ()) -- random start
local kx =math.random(1, 8)
local ky =math.random(1, 8)
print("Startfeld kx/ky: " ..kx.."/"..ky)
-- make chessboard nn
local cb = {} -- cb definition with zeros
for i = 1, n do
cb[i] = {}
for j = 1, n do
cb[i][j] = 0
math.randomseed (os.time ()) -- random (coin toss)
-- schachbrett sollte im zentrum sein (wie grid layout)
local gw =320 -- grid width: 8 x 40 = 320
local n =8 -- no of fields
local bs =gw/n -- feldbreite 40 (boxsize)
local count =0 -- Zaehler ( in drawLine() )
-- cb zeichnen (img geht auch)
function drawCB()
for r=0, n-1 do --row
for c=0, n-1 do --col
if (r+c)%2 == 0 then
love.graphics.setColor(255,0,0) --red
love.graphics.setColor(255,255,255) --white
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", r*bs, c*bs, bs, bs)
end -- for c
end -- for r
end --func
function printCB() -- show cb
for y = 1, n do
for x = 1, n do
if cb[y][x] == 0 then
elseif cb[y][x] <10 then
io.write( " "..cb[y][x].."|" )
io.write( cb[y][x].."|" )
-- between inclusive
--if nx = 1 and nx = N and ny = 1 and ny = N then -- cb border
function between(x, min, max)
return (x>=min) and (x<=max)
k = 0 -- jumps-counter
function doJump()
while(k <65) do
cb[ky][kx] = k+1 -- counter set & save in cb
local start_x = kx * bs - (bs/2) -- make start x, y (f. line)
local start_y = ky * bs - (bs/2)
pq = {} -- make priority queue
for i = 1, n do -- row
nx = kx + pm[i][1]; ny = ky + pm[i][2]
if between(nx, 1, cbx) and between(ny, 1, cby) then
if cb[ny][nx] == 0 then ctr = 0 -- lua is 1-based!
for j = 1, n do -- col
ex = nx + pm[j][1]; ey = ny + pm[j][2]
if between(ex, 1, cbx) and between(ey, 1, cby) then
if cb[ey][ex] == 0 then ctr=ctr+1 end
table.insert(pq, (ctr*100)+i) -- looking for a better solution
--[[ Warnsdorff's algorithmus; extended
move to the neighbor that has min number of available neighbors
randomization we could take it - or not (coin toss)
if #pq > 0 then
table.sort (pq) -- ascending (min to supreme)
minVal = 11 -- max loop nr
minD = 0 -- min value
for dd = 1, #pq do -- provisionally:
x = table.remove(pq,1) -- delete head-element
p = math.floor(x / 100) -- p wert extrahieren
m = x % 10 -- m (row) wert extrahieren
if p == minVal and math.random(100) <55 then
minVal = p
minD = m
if p < minVal then
minVal = p
minD = m
end --dd
m = minD
kx = kx + pm[m][1]
ky = ky + pm[m][2]
local end_x = kx * bs - (bs/2) -- make new end x, y
local end_y = ky * bs - (bs/2)
--print("start: ",start_x, start_y)
--print("end: ",end_x, end_y)
love.graphics.setColor(0,0,255) --blue
--love.graphics.setColor(255,255,0) --yellow
love.graphics.line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
if k < 63 then
--print("Fehler im Feld-Nr.: " ..k)
print("Error in Field-No.: " ..k)
k = k+1
end -- while
end --func doJump()
-- end main pgm
-- **************************** main ****************************
-- **************************** end pgm *********************
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
and the complete code (KT01.zip):
- Attachments
- Nestor-KT01.zip
- (5.59 KiB) Downloaded 254 times
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
Addendum to the topic: "the nested "for" loops are atrocious."
a nQueens variant with a variable chessboard, flexible window (with info) and wait for the next output (key or mouse button).
a screen or field for parameter value for largnes to chessboard would be nice .. but not yet realized.
a nQueens variant with a variable chessboard, flexible window (with info) and wait for the next output (key or mouse button).
a screen or field for parameter value for largnes to chessboard would be nice .. but not yet realized.
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
aiii .. the screenshot is stuck somewhere ...
Re: Template for using Löve as if it were not event-oriented
Update: Basically rewritten to accommodate all events. Now in https://notabug.org/pgimeno/alg-visualizer with full docs and examples. OP updated. Many thanks to babulous for the inspiration when writing this version.
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