I know similar questions have already been answered many times, so apologies if I could have found my answer in any of them. The solution for all the similar questions seemed to be either "don't set the save directory to something out of the default", or, "set t.identity in conf.lua", both of which do not cause this in my project.
Save code: Binser is a table serializer
Code: Select all
print(love.filesystem.write("Puyo_Chains/" .. save_name .. ".txt", binser.serialize(grid.grid())))
I also tried saving this but it did not work either:
Code: Select all
print(love.filesystem.write("test.txt", "test"))
At first I thought it might be an issue with LOVE trying to save in a directory it did not have permission to, but I ran
Code: Select all
love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory( )
and it returned the /AppData/LOVE directory. (Now that I think of it, shouldn't it have returned /AppData/LOVE/Puyo_Chains?)
This was meant to just be a personal project so the controls aren't intuitive. I've included a controls file.