I currently use the camera.scaleX and camera.scaleY thing with my 2D game so the player can zoom in and out, but the problem is that when he zooms in or out, everything zoom in or out including user interface (how many life the player has, etc), which, of course is a problem.
I can avoid that problem by using camera.scaleX and camera.scaleY as the scale arguments for my print function, but it does not avoid the fact that, when I zoom out, every text position changes and basically moves to the top left corner of the screen (I hope I'm clear).
I'm still a begginer and it's the first time I use this camera module (or any kind of camera really) so if someone can help me with that silly problem, that will be very cool, thanks
Edit : I forgot about the second problem. I want my player to be on the middle of the screen so I wrote that
andcamera.x = (player.x - (screen_width/2))
but when I zoom out the player is not centered anymore as you guys can imagine. How can I correct that too ?camera.y = (player.y - (screen_height/2))
Thanks for your help