find an answer to on the forum. Posting here in case anyone does like I did and searches the forums.
- when using mousereleased/pressed event with HUMP Gamestate, the docs say the parameter order is (button, x, y)
but it's actually (x, y, button)
- on that note, if you're using HUMP Gamestate, you need to add 't' as the first argument to gamestatename.mousepressed / mousereleased as of love2d 11.2 i.e..
Code: Select all
gamestatename.mousereleased = function(t, x, y, button)
If you call it again, elsewhere in the program, it can and will cause bugs
- When using flux, in your love.update event, make sure to call flux.update(dt) otherwise your tweens won't run
- I use the following code in my update event
Code: Select all
acc = acc + dt
if acc >= ticks then
acc = acc - ticks --assures we dont lose any ticks in case acc is above ticks, instead of setting it to 0
- If using both push and hump camera together, then in the draw event be sure Push:Start() comes first.
- colors are in fractions NOT in integers. So either do
Code: Select all, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) -- 1.0 is an example value, could be anything in the 0-1 range
Code: Select all, someInteger/255, someInteger/255)
Code: Select all
camera:worldCoords(x, y)
- Note, in Gamestate, main.lua is NOT a state. If you put stuff in main, main will continue to run even after switching states. For example, if you want your start screen (before your mainmenu) to display a logo or something, be sure to make that its own state, have main.lua be
mostly empty, and then have love.load call Gamestate.switch(somenewstate)
- If you're planning on loading data (such as level data) from the game directory itself, create a bat file. I'm not 100% on the details, but without fused, it'll load your game or app data from something like %appdata%/user/love/appname or something (at least on windows)
instead of the game folder itself. So use the following in a bat file until you're ready to turn it into a .love archive..
Code: Select all
start love.exe "nameofthegamesfolderinlove" --fused
Code: Select all
if slab.BeginMainMenuBar() then
if slab.BeginMenuBar("File") then
if slab.BeginMenu("File") then
selected = nil
cursor = nil
if slab.MenuItem("Debug") then
print("debug pressed!")
if slab.MenuItem("New World") then
if slab.MenuItem("Export") then
if slab.MenuItemChecked("Render Grid?", renderGrid) then
renderGrid = not renderGrid
Thats all for now, any other things that might trip up beginners I'll post here in this thread. Others are welcome to do the same.