Code: Select all
wWidth, wHeight = lg.getDimensions()
sx = wWidth / imgwidth
sy = wHeight / imgheight
lg.draw(img[r], quad, x, y, 0, sx, sy)
It works fine on my pc, but it doesn't fill the whole screen on Android
what if I try with getPixelDimensions()?
I'm using the latest version 0.11.x on the repo to compile the game for Android
I didn't have this problem with 0.10.x but it seems like I need 0.11.x to publish the game to the playstore
That's my conf.lua, I don't know if it can help
Code: Select all
function love.conf(t)
t.identity = "game"
t.appendidentity = false
t.version = "11.2"
t.console = true
t.accelerometerjoystick = false
t.externalstorage = false
t.gammacorrect = false = false
t.window.title = "game"
t.window.icon = nil
t.window.width = 1280
t.window.height = 720
t.window.borderless = false
t.window.resizable = false
t.window.minwidth = 1
t.window.minheight = 1
t.window.fullscreen = false
t.window.fullscreentype = "desktop"
t.window.vsync = 1
t.window.msaa = 0
t.window.depth = nil
t.window.stencil = nil
t.window.display = 1
t.window.highdpi = true
t.window.x = nil
t.window.y = nil = true = true
t.modules.event = true
t.modules.font = true = true
t.modules.image = true
t.modules.joystick = false
t.modules.keyboard = true
t.modules.math = true
t.modules.mouse = true
t.modules.physics = false
t.modules.sound = true
t.modules.system = true
t.modules.thread = true
t.modules.timer = true
t.modules.touch = true = true
t.modules.window = true