[HELP] Drawable disappears the first frame

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[HELP] Drawable disappears the first frame

Post by nice »

Hello everyone!

I'm gonna get straight into it, in this project I'm currently working on my drawable image in "player.lua" disappears as soon as the program starts. I'm a bit at a loss about what I should do.
Usually, my solution is to set the color to white after I've drawn something but for some reason, it doesn't work.

What am I missing? Because at the moment I can't really see what's wrong..
Below you can find the code and have a nice weekend! :awesome:


Code: Select all

Player = require "player"
Manager = require "manager"

function love.load()

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

function love.keypressed(key)

function love.keyreleased(key)

Code: Select all

  --Manager = require "manager"
  -- Player Table
  Player = {}
  -- Player Graphics
  Player.Sprite = love.graphics.newImage("Graphics/Square.png")
  -- Player position on X/Y
  Player.posX = love.graphics.getWidth() * 0.5 
  Player.posY = love.graphics.getHeight() * 0.5
  -- Player Radians (or Rotation)
  Player.Radians = 0
  -- Increases the size on X/Y
  Player.scaleFactorX = 1
  Player.scaleFactorY = 1
  -- Changes where the origin is on the Player
  Player.originOffsetX = 0
  Player.originOffset = 0
  -- Player's Width/Height
  Player.Width = 32
  Player.Height = 32
  -- Player Speed/Velocity
  Player.Speed = 100
  Player.velocityX = 0
  Player.velocityY = 0
  --Player Direction
  Player.Direction = 1
  Player.currentDirection = Player.Direction
function Player:update(dt)
    -- Moves the Player Left/Right
  if love.keyboard.isDown('left', 'a') then
    self.posX = self.posX - self.Speed * dt
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right','d') then
    self.posX = self.posX + self.Speed * dt
  -- Moves The Player Up/Down
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('up','w') then
    self.posY = self.posY - self.Speed * dt
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down', 's') then
    self.posY = self.posY + self.Speed * dt

function Player:draw()
    -- Draws the Player Sprite

return Player

Code: Select all

Player = require "player"

Manager = {}
--rgb(46, 49, 49)
-- love.graphics.setColor(red, green, blue, alpha)
Manager.standardColor = {1, 1, 1, 1}
Manager.backgroundColor = {1 * 102, 1 * 51, 1 * 153, 1}
--rgba(102, 51, 153, 1)
function Manager:update(dt)

function Manager:draw()

return Manager
:awesome: Have a good day! :ultraglee:
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Re: [HELP] Drawable disappears the first frame

Post by keharriso »

nice wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:24 am Hello everyone!

I'm gonna get straight into it, in this project I'm currently working on my drawable image in "player.lua" disappears as soon as the program starts. I'm a bit at a loss about what I should do.
Usually, my solution is to set the color to white after I've drawn something but for some reason, it doesn't work.

What am I missing? Because at the moment I can't really see what's wrong..
Below you can find the code and have a nice weekend! :awesome:
For some reason the square doesn't disappear on my Windows 10 setup. Also works on my Debian setup.
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Re: [HELP] Drawable disappears the first frame

Post by zorg »

Usually, you want to set color before you draw something, not the other way around, it's more straightforward.

And depending on what löve version you use, colors are in the [0,1] interval with the current versions, so {1 * 102, 1 * 51, 1 * 153, 1} is definitely wrong, unless you use something like 0.10 or earlier... but since the order of your calls goes like:
1. draw image
2. setcolor white
3. setcolor brighter than max brightness
4. setcolor white
it shouldn't even matter... ultimately we'd need a whole project to test.
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Re: [HELP] Drawable disappears the first frame

Post by nice »

zorg wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:11 pm Usually, you want to set color before you draw something, not the other way around, it's more straightforward.

And depending on what löve version you use, colors are in the [0,1] interval with the current versions, so {1 * 102, 1 * 51, 1 * 153, 1} is definitely wrong, unless you use something like 0.10 or earlier... but since the order of your calls goes like:
1. draw image
2. setcolor white
3. setcolor brighter than max brightness
4. setcolor white
it shouldn't even matter... ultimately we'd need a whole project to test.
Thank you for the reply!
I'll check the version when I get home but I do know that I use (1,1,1,1) to set the colors.
:awesome: Have a good day! :ultraglee:
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