Yes, you will want to use dt on friction too. If you don't then (lets say your game is running at 60 fps) player.xv and player.yv will be multiplied by friction 60 times a second when you only want it to be multiplied by the total of friction once a second. Delta time is the time between two frames so it will only use a part of friction each frame this code is called. Really any time you have something happen over a space of time you will want to use dt. (This can be slowly changing something like you are doing here, or a timer to have something happen.) You will also need to up the value of friction to get what you are looking for after changing this. The fps of a game can change a lot so you don't want to ever rely on it.
Where the damping coefficient is usually between 0-1
(it could be greater than 1 but then the movement looks float-y).
Further reading: