Hi everyone!
I made a little library in the vein of windfield, but simpler to use and modify.
Basically, it makes working with the love.physics library a lot easier, faster, and more concise.
calling bf.Collider.new(world, shape, args*) creates body, fixture, and shape for you, and all their methods are accesible from the returned Collider object
all physics objects can automatically be drawn with World:draw(alpha)
circle/rectangle areas can
Please give me any advice, criticism, questions or requests you have, either here or on github. Even if it's just a matter of coding style.
see future.org for my ideas on what I could add in the future.
On a related note, how do you add your library to the list of libraries on the wiki? I can't find the option to.
Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
- yetneverdone
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Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
Try also adding this to awesome-love2d list on github
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Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
Hey thanks! I'll do that right away!
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
I've rewritten your and the windfield library to match my style more (didn't implement queries yet).
Code: Select all
local lp, lg = love.physics, love.graphics
local function _set_funcs(obj1, obj2)
for k, v in pairs(obj2.__index) do
if k~="__gc" and k~="__eq" and k~="__index" and k~="__tostring" and k~="isDestroyed" and k~="testPoint" and k~="getType" and k~="setUserData" and k~="rayCast" and k~="destroy" and k~="getUserData" and k~="release" and k~="type" and k~="typeOf" then obj1[k] = function(obj1, ...) return v(obj2, ...) end end
local function _uuid()
local fn = function(x) local r = math.random(16) - 1; r=(x=="x")and(r+1)or(r%4)+9; return ("0123456789ABCDEF"):sub(r, r) end
return (("xxxxxxxx"):gsub("[x]", fn))
--<<(^__^) (0___U) (*__*)>>--
local Collider = {}
function Collider:new(world, collider_type, ...)
local _w, _t, _a, _b, _s = world, collider_type, {...}
if _t == "circ" then _b, _s = lp.newBody(_w, _a[1], _a[2], _a[4] and _a[4].type or "dynamic"), lp.newCircleShape(_a[3])
elseif _t == "rect" then _b, _s = lp.newBody(_w, _a[1], _a[2], _a[5] and _a[5].type or "dynamic"), lp.newRectangleShape(0, 0, _a[3], _a[4], _a[5] and _a[5].angle or 0)
elseif _t == "poly" then _b, _s = lp.newBody(_w, 0, 0, _a[2] and _a[2].type or "dynamic"), lp.newPolygonShape(unpack(_a[1]))
elseif _t == "line" then _b, _s = lp.newBody(_w, 0, 0, _a[5] and _a[5].type or "static" ), lp.newEdgeShape(_a[1], _a[2], _a[3], _a[4])
elseif _t == "chain" then _b, _s = lp.newBody(_w, 0, 0, _a[3] and _a[3].type or "static" ), lp.newChainShape(_a[1], unpack(_a[2])) end
local obj = {}
obj.world = _w
obj.body = _b
obj.shape = _s
obj.fixture = lp.newFixture(_b, _s)
obj.shapes = {default = obj.shape}
obj.fixtures = {default = obj.fixture}
_set_funcs(obj, obj.body)
_set_funcs(obj, obj.shape)
_set_funcs(obj, obj.fixture)
return setmetatable(obj, {__index = Collider})
function Collider:destroy()
for k, v in pairs(self.fixtures) do v:setUserData(nil); v:destroy(); k[v] = nil end
for k, v in pairs(self.shapes) do v:destroy(); k[v] = nil end
self.body:setUserData(nil); self.body:destroy(); self.body = nil
function Collider:add_shape(type, name, ...)
local _n, _a, _s = name or _uuid(), {...}
if type == "circle" then _s = lp.newCircleShape(_a[1], _a[2], _a[3])
elseif type == "rectangle" then _s = lp.newRectangleShape(_a[1], _a[2], _a[3], _a[4], _a[5])
elseif type == "polygon" then _s = lp.newPolygonShape(unpack(_a[1]))
elseif type == "line" then _s = lp.newEdgeShape(_a[1], _a[2], _a[3], _a[4])
elseif type == "chain" then _s = lp.newChainShape(_a[1], unpack(_a[2])) end
self.fixtures[_n], self.shapes[_n] = lp.newFixture(self.body, _s), _s
--<<(^__^) (0___N) (*__*)>>--
local World = {}
function World:__call(xg,yg,sleep)
local obj = {}
obj.box2d_world = lp.newWorld(xg,yg,sleep)
obj.colliders = {}
obj.joints = {}
_set_funcs(obj, obj.box2d_world)
return setmetatable(obj, {__index = World})
function World:draw()
local _r, _g, _b, _a = lg.getColor()
-- Colliders --
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
for k1,v1 in pairs(self:getBodies()) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1:getFixtures()) do
if v2:getShape():getType() == "circle" then lg.circle("line", v1:getX(), v1:getY(), v2:getShape():getRadius())
elseif v2:getShape():getType() == "polygon" then lg.polygon("line", v1:getWorldPoints(v2:getShape():getPoints()))
else local _p = {v1:getWorldPoints(v2:getShape():getPoints())}; for i=1, #_p, 2 do if i < #_p-2 then lg.line(_p[i], _p[i+1], _p[i+2], _p[i+3]) end end end
end end
-- Joints --
love.graphics.setColor(1, 0.5, 0.25)
for _, joint in ipairs(self.box2d_world:getJoints()) do
local x1, y1, x2, y2 = joint:getAnchors()
if x1 and y1 then love.graphics.circle('line', x1, y1, 6) end
if x2 and y2 then love.graphics.circle('line', x2, y2, 6) end
love.graphics.setColor(_r, _g, _b, _a)
function World:add_circle(x, y, r, args) local _c = Collider:new(self.box2d_world, "circ", x, y, r, args) ; table.insert(self.colliders, _c); return _c end
function World:add_rectangle(x, y, w, h, args) local _c = Collider:new(self.box2d_world, "rect", x, y, w, h, args) ; table.insert(self.colliders, _c); return _c end
function World:add_polygon(vertices, args) local _c = Collider:new(self.box2d_world, "poly", vertices, args) ; table.insert(self.colliders, _c); return _c end
function World:add_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, args) local _c = Collider:new(self.box2d_world, "line", x1, y1, x2, y2, args) ; table.insert(self.colliders, _c); return _c end
function World:add_chain(vertices, loop, args) local _c = Collider:new(self.box2d_world, "chain", vertices, loop, args); table.insert(self.colliders, _c); return _c end
function World:add_joint(type, col1, col2, ...)
if type == "distance" then local _j = lp.newDistanceJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "friction" then local _j = lp.newFrictionJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "gear" then local _j = lp.newGearJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "motor" then local _j = lp.newMotorJoint(col1, col2, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "mouse" then local _j = lp.newMouseJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "prismatic" then local _j = lp.newPrismaticJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...); table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "pulley" then local _j = lp.newPulleyJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "revolute" then local _j = lp.newRevoluteJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "rope" then local _j = lp.newRopeJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "weld" then local _j = lp.newWeldJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j
elseif type == "wheel" then local _j = lp.newWheelJoint(col1.body, col2.body, ...) ; table.insert(self.joints, _j); return _j end
return setmetatable({}, World)
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
Nicely done and thanks for sharing! Your implementation has some nice touches, I hope you don't mind if I poach a few of them? It also gave me some new ideas, so thanks again!
If you don't mind, could you state a couple ways in which the way breezefield is structured clashes with what is comfortable for you? I'd like it to be as intelligible and accessible as possible, so it really helps to have different perspectives.
If you don't mind, could you state a couple ways in which the way breezefield is structured clashes with what is comfortable for you? I'd like it to be as intelligible and accessible as possible, so it really helps to have different perspectives.
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
do as you want with the code, i have a repo for it that i'll update to implement queries etc : https://github.com/4v0v/LOVE_PHYSICS
What i don't like is more or less only code structure:
-too much useless comments
-too much loc
-separate files
-separate mlib library for only 2 functions
Also fixture and body have each one their proper :getUserData() / :setUserData() methods that you overwrite when you call your set_funcs().
Anyway thanks for your library it gave me a good idea how to struture my code
What i don't like is more or less only code structure:
-too much useless comments
-too much loc
-separate files
-separate mlib library for only 2 functions
Also fixture and body have each one their proper :getUserData() / :setUserData() methods that you overwrite when you call your set_funcs().
Anyway thanks for your library it gave me a good idea how to struture my code
- zorg
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Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
To be fair, those useless comments only bother you as a human, and not any application that runs the code;
besides, it may be useful for the person who coded the lib... like, i comment way more than what's in breezefield.
besides, it may be useful for the person who coded the lib... like, i comment way more than what's in breezefield.
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
I only stated what wasn't confortable for me
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
Thanks 4vZerov,
I'll definitely have a look at trimming the comments - I do tend to leave them lying around when they're no longer relevant. I'm keeping (and maybe adding more) docstrings though, if that's what you mean.
and yeah since I'm using so few of mlib's functions it is kind of overkill to install the whole thing, though I might need more of its functions once I implement more types of Colliders. I do plan to replace it with my own implementation eventually.
and good point about Collider:get/setUserData, I should make it explicit in the documentation that that is fixture:get/setUserData and then leave shape and body untouched in that respect.
Thanks for the feedback, i'll try and get round to incorporating it soon.
I'll definitely have a look at trimming the comments - I do tend to leave them lying around when they're no longer relevant. I'm keeping (and maybe adding more) docstrings though, if that's what you mean.
and yeah since I'm using so few of mlib's functions it is kind of overkill to install the whole thing, though I might need more of its functions once I implement more types of Colliders. I do plan to replace it with my own implementation eventually.
and good point about Collider:get/setUserData, I should make it explicit in the documentation that that is fixture:get/setUserData and then leave shape and body untouched in that respect.
Thanks for the feedback, i'll try and get round to incorporating it soon.
Re: Breezefield: a lightweight windfield alternative (love.physics wrapper)
I've pushed a couple changes, there are more collider types available now, I corrected get/setUserData and made some minor stylistic alterations (removing redundant comments, abbreviating core love libraries á la 4zerov).
Cheers, All
I've pushed a couple changes, there are more collider types available now, I corrected get/setUserData and made some minor stylistic alterations (removing redundant comments, abbreviating core love libraries á la 4zerov).
Cheers, All
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