unable to move image

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unable to move image

Post by rookieluascripter246 »

i'm fairly new to lua scripting and need help with this script:

Code: Select all

 function love.load()
	DtimePassed = 0
	AtimePassed = 0
	right = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right.png")
	right2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right2.png")
	left = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left.png")
	left2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left2.png")
	player = right
		x = 250
		y = 250
		speed = 300
function love.draw()
	love.graphics.draw(player, 250, 250)
	love.graphics.print("DtimePassed:"..tostring(DtimePassed), 0, 0)
	love.graphics.print("AtimePassed:"..tostring(AtimePassed), 250, 0)
function love.update(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then
	x = x + speed
	DtimePassed = DtimePassed + 1
	if DtimePassed > 0 then
	player = right2	
	if DtimePassed > 20 then
	player = right	
	if DtimePassed > 50 then
	DtimePassed = 0
	if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then
	x = x - (speed * dt)
	AtimePassed = AtimePassed + 1
	if AtimePassed > 0 then
	player = left2	
	if AtimePassed > 20 then
	player = right	
	if AtimePassed > 50 then
	DtimePassed = 0
function love.keyreleased(key)
	if key == "d" then
	player = right
	DtimePassed = 0
	if key == "a" then
	player = left
	AtimePassed = 0
there are two errors: 1. when I press the "d" key, the player (an image) plays a walking animation but doesn't move (x + (speed * dt).
2. when I press the "a" key, the player doesn't do anything.
does anyone know how to fix this problem and explain why it's happening?
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Re: unable to move image

Post by Intas »

The problem is that in love.update almost all of your ifs are nested, which is probably not what you want. It's a common mistake, I did it too. Just remember the old saying in Lua.

Here's how your code looks like if we put tabs after an if:

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	DtimePassed = 0
	AtimePassed = 0
	right = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right.png")
	right2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right2.png")
	left = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left.png")
	left2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left2.png")
	player = right
	x = 250
	y = 250
	speed = 300

function love.draw()
	love.graphics.draw(player, 250, 250)
	love.graphics.print("DtimePassed:"..tostring(DtimePassed), 0, 0)
	love.graphics.print("AtimePassed:"..tostring(AtimePassed), 250, 0)

function love.update(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then
		x = x + speed
		DtimePassed = DtimePassed + 1
		if DtimePassed > 0 then
			player = right2	
			if DtimePassed > 20 then
				player = right	
				if DtimePassed > 50 then
					DtimePassed = 0
				if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then
					x = x - (speed * dt)
					AtimePassed = AtimePassed + 1
					if AtimePassed > 0 then
						player = left2	
						if AtimePassed > 20 then
							player = right	
							if AtimePassed > 50 then
								DtimePassed = 0
	function love.keyreleased(key)
		if key == "d" then
			player = right
			DtimePassed = 0
			if key == "a" then
				player = left
				AtimePassed = 0
From here we can see why your errors are happening:

First of all, in love.draw(), when drawing the player sprite you did love.graphics.draw(player, 250, 250), notice that you are saying "draw the player in the coordinates (250, 250).", so the player won't move from those numbers. To fix it you have to pass the x and y variables to love.graphics.draw so löve knows where to draw the player when moving, so you have to write love.graphics.draw(player, x, y)

Nothing happens when pressing "a" because love.keyboard.isDown("a") is reachable only if you previously pressed "d", so in order to fix that we need to rearrange the ifs.

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	DtimePassed = 0
	AtimePassed = 0
	right = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right.png")
	right2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right2.png")
	left = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left.png")
	left2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left2.png")
	player = right
	x = 250
	y = 250
	speed = 300

function love.draw()
	love.graphics.draw(player, x, y) -- x, y instead of 250, 250
	love.graphics.print("DtimePassed:"..tostring(DtimePassed), 0, 0)
	love.graphics.print("AtimePassed:"..tostring(AtimePassed), 250, 0)

function love.update(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then -- Pressing d?
		x = x + speed
		DtimePassed = DtimePassed + dt
		if DtimePassed > 0 and DtimePassed < 20 then -- Use right2 the first 20 frames
			player = right2	
		elseif DtimePassed >= 20 and DtimePassed < 50 then -- Use right the next 30 frames
			player = right	
		elseif DtimePassed >= 50 then -- Reset when reaching 50 frames
			DtimePassed = 0
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("a") then -- Player is not pressing d. Is he pressing a?
		x = x - (speed * dt)
		AtimePassed = AtimePassed + 1
		if AtimePassed > 0 and AtimePassed < 20 then -- Use the same logic
			player = left2	
		elseif AtimePassed >= 20 then
			player = right
		elseif AtimePassed >= 50 then
			DtimePassed = 0

function love.keyreleased(key)
	if key == "d" then
		player = right
		DtimePassed = 0
	elseif key == "a" then
		player = left
		AtimePassed = 0
Notice how this beautiful code is easier to read, and it does the movement you want it to do!

However, it still have a few quirks. When pressing "d" the player moves to the right really fast, this is because you forgot to multiply by dt, so instead of x = x + speed, do x = x + (speed * dt).

The last thing I notice is that then moving to the left, when AtimePassed > 0 you use the "left2" sprite, but when AtimePassed > 20 you use the "right" sprite. I assume you mean to use the "left" sprite. And when AtimePassed > 50 you set DtimePassed to 0, it should be AtimePassed.

So the final code would be like this:

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	DtimePassed = 0
	AtimePassed = 0
	right = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right.png")
	right2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/right2.png")
	left = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left.png")
	left2 = love.graphics.newImage("sprites/left2.png")
	player = right
	x = 250
	y = 250
	speed = 300

function love.draw()
	love.graphics.draw(player, x, y)
	love.graphics.print("DtimePassed:"..tostring(DtimePassed), 0, 0)
	love.graphics.print("AtimePassed:"..tostring(AtimePassed), 250, 0)

function love.update(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then -- Pressing d?
		x = x + (speed * dt)
		DtimePassed = DtimePassed + 1
		if DtimePassed > 0 and DtimePassed < 20 then -- Use right2 the first 20 frames
			player = right2	
		elseif DtimePassed >= 20 and DtimePassed < 50 then  -- Use right the next 30 frames
			player = right	
		elseif DtimePassed >= 50 then -- Reset when reaching 50 frames
			DtimePassed = 0
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("a") then -- Player is not pressing d. Is he pressing a?
		x = x - (speed * dt)
		AtimePassed = AtimePassed + 1
		if AtimePassed > 0 and AtimePassed < 20 then -- Use the same logic
			player = left2	
		elseif AtimePassed >= 20 and AtimePassed < 50 then
			player = left	
		elseif AtimePassed >= 50 then
			AtimePassed = 0 -- not DtimePassed since we are moving to the left!

function love.keyreleased(key)
	if key == "d" then
		player = right
		DtimePassed = 0
	elseif key == "a" then
		player = left
		AtimePassed = 0
I don't know if you're following any tutorial or you're just playing around by yourself, but if you want a good tutorial that explains the basics of Lua and löve2d check this one.
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Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:15 am

Re: unable to move image

Post by rookieluascripter246 »

Thank you so much for the reply! It taught me a ton on how to organize a script and the tutorial link helps a lot as well. I hope you get to share your knowledge with more rookie script-ers like me :D
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