I'm trying to make an object that always goes down go back up once it hits the bottom, and not stay still.

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I'm trying to make an object that always goes down go back up once it hits the bottom, and not stay still.

Post by JacKobOriginal »

I'm trying to figure out how to teleport a moving object to the top once it moves to the bottom, but every time I do this It always stays still.

Here's what the code sorta looks like:

Code: Select all

function love.load()
    objectimg = love.graphics.newImage("object.png")
    objecty = 50
    objectspeed = 100

function love.draw()
    love.graphics.draw(objectimg, 50, objecty)

function love.update(dt)
    objecty = objecty + objectspeed * dt
    if objecty > 600 then
        objecty = 0
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Re: I'm trying to make an object that always goes down go back up once it hits the bottom, and not stay still.

Post by pgimeno »

The code you have posted works for me. If that example works for you but in your actual code it does not work, it's nearly impossible to give any advice if you don't post it. All I can say is that your use of globals seems suspicious, so that'd be one thing to look into.
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