The Yam of Endor - Traditional Roguelike Space Shooter

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The Yam of Endor - Traditional Roguelike Space Shooter

Post by JoshGrams »

The Yam of Endor ( is an attempt to capture the feel of Asteroids clones or cave flyers (Thrust, X-Pilot, Galak-Z, etc.) without the twitch-based elements. It's a small (5 level) turn-based ASCII-display roguelike on a hex grid. I started it during the 2018 Seven Day Roguelike challenge. I ran over well into the 8th day, so I had to declare it a failure as a 7DRL. But it was more-or-less playable and I liked how it felt. So later on I did some playtesting with a couple of friends, and put in two more one-week-ish rounds of development to fine-tune the mechanics and improve the UI and I think it's about finished now.

I'd love to hear what you think!


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Re: The Yam of Endor - Traditional Roguelike Space Shooter

Post by ItsSeaJay »

This certainly looks interesting. The movement system is like nothing I've seen before. I'll definitely want to come back to this. It's visually sharp and uses colour well.
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Re: The Yam of Endor - Traditional Roguelike Space Shooter

Post by JoshGrams »

Thanks! In hindsight it might have been better (definitely more beginner-friendly) to do a more traditional space-game interface and slow time to a crawl when you're not providing any input the way SUPERHOT does. But I started this for the 2018 seven-day roguelike challenge, and at the time it seemed like a clever idea to do the ASCII-art grid-based thing.

Here's a video of the deepest two levels:

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Re: The Yam of Endor - Traditional Roguelike Space Shooter

Post by JoshGrams »

Huh. Looks like I never posted about my latest update: version 0.5 adds gamepad support and has friendlier aiming (if you accidentally hit the wrong direction, you can correct it without it taking an extra turn).
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