Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

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Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Syl »


I'm a newcomer in Love as in game creation or codin, seein if i could use the engine to build my project. It would be some kind of graphical mud (the multiplayer side bein far away from present concern), set as an open-world/map for a character with stats and skills in a visual novel/point and click adventure game.
It seems that Love would allow such a design, and i'm wonderin if there are some tutos or kits to help me on the specific tasks of such an rpg/adventure? i've googled a bit, but found nothin for it.
Anyone got tips or advices?
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by milon »

Hi Syl,

I strongly suggest you begin with some super simple Lua games to get you used to coding. Then you can expand from there. Be aware that jumping straight in to designing a full featured game is like jumping into the deep end of the pool in order to learn how to swim - most people will drown / give up.

Having said that, here's some links I found. I can't vouch for them, but they look like what you want. There's lots more out there. :) ... al-part-1/ ... roduction/

Edit - If you're interested, you're more than welcome to take a look at the procedural RPG I began a while ago. It's only world generation right now (and I haven't updated in a long time!) but you're welcome to use any code you like.
Any code samples/ideas by me should be considered Public Domain (no attribution needed) license unless otherwise stated.
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Syl »

Thxs for your reply. :) I'll try to find a lua course, from the very first toe in water, as i intend to enter step by step in it. But always in the direction of my project eh.
And i wanna make a special map actually, wich i don't think would be so dificult, but i don't really know. It''s about drawin it, scanin it, usin it as a background, and then move my sprites over with mouse clicks, changin scenes when enterin collision/areas or triggerin random events.
That doesn't seem so complex, made it in godot with a helpful man, and i think i could make it with love also, no?
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by veethree »

how much time do you save by omitting the g's at the end of words
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Syl »

That's just my accent. :)
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by MissDanish »

1. If you are a beginner, do as the rest said and start with something simpler. RPGs are one of the most complicated games you can make due to the amount of systems involved (I have been working on one for about 10 months)
2. I suggest you pick a game to loosely model your RPG mechanics after when you do make one and add your own twists on top of that framework (I took a lot of inspiration from New Vegas personally)
3. I heavily suggest you do not make your own editor as this is a huge time sink and made me abandon my project in 2017 (I started it back up again in early 2018 with Tiled). This advice is especially true if your game has any significant level of level design complexity like most RPGs would have
4. Don't feel discouraged by how long it takes you to make things, RPGs are huge and can't be slapped together in a few weeks. Even whatever you end up starting out with before making RPGs will probably take time, that's okay.
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Syl »

Cheers miss! :) I found what looks like a very good startin point: After, as said before, i'll go slowly, havin no time pressures nor comercial ambitions. It's mostly for the fun of creatin, the game and the drawins. The newly published aeons of sable in 'game and creation' is very close to what i think and dream about, though in a simpler manner, without 3d movements. Only map travels with visual novel events. But it's astonishin how close its world and atmosphere is to my own project. I just have to found out how to set my character (stats a, skill and inventory) and how to implement its travel on map with the triggers of VN events. After that it should go smoothly.

I don't understand your advice about the editor, not knowin what that is... :s
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Stifu »

Syl wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:08 am I don't understand your advice about the editor, not knowin what that is... :s
She means there are quality map editors out there (like Tiled), so you shouldn't waste your time making your own. Tiled is nice and easy to use, has loads of features, and can directly generate lua files. Just build all of your maps/stages/levels with it to make your life easier.
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Syl »

But i'm not wastin my time eh. It's such a fun to think and draw a map, and i prefer it so much to tiled ones, wich would requires a lot of time simply to know the map tool.
What i don't understand is why it should be easier, as i'm just thinkin about makin an image/map as background, and then addin my movin sprites over it with areas/colisions to triggers the events and changes of scenes. That should be the easier, havin but an image for my map.
Unless there are no tools/functions to set those triggerin areas over an image, triggerin comands when collidin with an object/sprite. But i doubt it eh, it's basical to game development. Well at least in godot you have those 'collision shapes' easily drawn on your background that react when a sprite enter it. Here you'd have to code it all, right?
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Re: Creatin an adventure/rpg game.

Post by Stifu »

Syl wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:45 am But i'm not wastin my time eh. It's such a fun to think and draw a map, and i prefer it so much to tiled ones, wich would requires a lot of time simply to know the map tool.
I'm not sure how you're doing it right now, but learning Tiled is fast. Probably faster than making maps on your own. Also, just to clear things up: it's called Tiled but you don't have to use actual tiles if you don't want to.
Syl wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:45 amWhat i don't understand is why it should be easier, as i'm just thinkin about makin an image/map as background, and then addin my movin sprites over it with areas/colisions to triggers the events and changes of scenes. That should be the easier, havin but an image for my map.
Yep, that's also what we're doing in our game, and I believe it's much easier with Tiled. We do not use actual tile layers, only object layers and images. For now we only have a single giant image in each of our maps, but we'll add more images later (for foreground elements, parallax scrolling effects, stuff like that).
Syl wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:45 amUnless there are no tools/functions to set those triggerin areas over an image, triggerin comands when collidin with an object/sprite. But i doubt it eh, it's basical to game development. Well at least in godot you have those 'collision shapes' easily drawn on your background that react when a sprite enter it. Here you'd have to code it all, right?
In Tiled, you can just add objects with certain properties, and you can also add your own custom properties. You could have an object with type="obstacle", or type="event/trigger" (or just infer their type based on the layer they're in), and then handle that in your code.
Zabuyaki, our upcoming beat 'em up:
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