amour - a basic scene graph library

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amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by alexanderdna »

As the title suggests, amour supports creating a scene graph, basically a hierachical structure for drawables.


A piece of sample code:

Code: Select all

local Scene = require 'amour.scene'
local Rect = require 'amour.rect'
local Text = require 'amour.text'

local flux = require 'flux'

local scene

function love.load()
    scene = Scene(480, 320, 'expand')

    local bigRect = Rect(scene.w * 0.5, scene.h * 0.5,
        200, 200, { 0, 0.5, 1, 1 })

    local topLeftRect = Rect(10, 10, 50, 50, { 1, 1, 1, 1 })
    topLeftRect:updateAnchor(0, 0)

    local bottomText = Text(bigRect.w * 0.5, bigRect.h - 10,, 'Bottom Text',
        { 1, 1, 1, 1})
    bottomText:updateAnchor(0.5, 1)

    bigRect:flux(10, { r = math.pi * 2 })

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)
    if key == 'escape' then
demo.gif (327.98 KiB) Viewed 10371 times

Dependencies: Current limitations:
  • No z-index: nodes are rendered in the order they are stored in their parent's child list. This is to make the library simple.
  • Transform values must be set using an updateXXX function instead of setting them directly. I hope to fix this in a future update.
Any feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank you for reading.
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by D0NM »

I like the light weight and readability of the user's code.
But I have no idea where to use it yet. Some menu, cut scenes, scene editing....
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by ivan »

Welcome to the forums, Alexanderdna.
I think it's a cool idea, in fact I use a similar scene graph in my projects.
I have released my code too - it's not perfect but I hope that you might find it useful:

I like your idea of using width/height for nodes and querying that against a point.
Had the same feature implemented a while ago, but later decided to remove it.
Nice to see the newTransform object used in your lib!
Last edited by ivan on Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by alexanderdna »

D0NM wrote: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:48 pm I like the light weight and readability of the user's code.
But I have no idea where to use it yet. Some menu, cut scenes, scene editing....
Thank you. I think this library is useful for someone (like me) who comes from other game engines that support scene graph (e.g. Unity, Corona, cocos2d-x). It'll make them feel comfortable while getting to know the basics of love2d.
ivan wrote: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:18 am Welcome to the forums, Alexanderdna.
Thank you. It actually took me a few days to figure out how transforms and stuffs work. I am trying to remove the need of updateXXX functions by using newindex metamethod but haven't had success so far. (I forgot most of Lua's infrastructure after years of using other languages.)

Your code is interesting too, and I am going to dig into it when I get home today.
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by pgimeno »

The idea is interesting, though I have difficulty thinking about the game as a scene graph. That's also why I haven't started with Amulet, which is a scene-oriented engine with many similarities to LÖVE.
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by JoshGrams »

pgimeno wrote: Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:20 pm I have difficulty thinking about the game as a scene graph. That's also why I haven't started with Amulet
Interesting. A scene graph is basically just a big list of objects to be updated and drawn each frame, plus support for nesting objects and drawing children in local coordinates relative to their parents. What part of that do you find difficult? Is it the putting-everything-in-a-single-list thing? You can (and usually do) have other collections that aren't related to the nested-drawing hierarchy. How do you usually structure your games?
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by pgimeno »

I guess I'm very imperative in my programming style :) Keeping the scene as a tree sounds like an unnecessary complication to me. It doesn't seem usual to need to transform elements as a block, anyway, and I can do it manually if needed. Tracking what each node means, or finding the node you need to act on, sounds difficult at first glance. I guess that by duplicating structures you could do it, it just seems too convoluted in my mind.
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Re: amour - a basic scene graph library

Post by ivan »

There are significant advantages when scene graphs are used correctly.
In my experience it's really about grouping things together.
For example, if rendering things in order is important,
then you are going to need some sort of scene-graph-like structure anyways.
...or let's say that you want to transform several graphics together.
...or you want to use cameras in your game.
Another advantage is that all the rendering code is neatly contained within the scene graph - all you have to do is port the scene graph and your game could easily work in another engine.
Some people even use the graph for culling and querying things which is another advantage.
Tracking what each node means, or finding the node you need to act on, sounds difficult at first glance
Sure, it can work very nicely, since the graph separates the rendering from the game logic.

I don't want to hijack Alexander's topic, but check out the examples:
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