LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Left out this:
[no] need to install: ... sal%29.dmg
damnit, just when I thought I had it. Will embed this too.

rude: if you launch the application "Console" it'll show you more specific error messages. I have fixed the libjpeg/ libpng and embeded them into IL.framework. Download from . Does not need to install the dmg I listed above.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Source code changes I made:
in luaSocket usocket.h, commented out #include <unistd.h> to compile, because of errors regarding symbol "_strerror$UNIX2003". ... 08233.html has some info on this. [[removed unistd.h]]

in love_opengl.cpp changed struct display_state: int stipple_repeat; int stipple_pattern; to GLints instead [[changed returns to GLint]]

define for linux only
changed to [[added ifndef]]
#ifndef __APPLE__
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

I'm afraid it still doesn't work:

Code: Select all

Process:         love [112]
Path:            /Users/rude/Downloads/
Version:         ??? (???)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [65]

Date/Time:       2008-11-03 16:47:23.536 +0100
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33)
Report Version:  6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL
  Referenced from: /Users/rude/Downloads/
  Reason: image not found
Or do you require that SDL and SDL_mixer is installed separately?
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by farvardin »

it's working on my ibook PPC, but I still have some problems:

I had to put the SDL.framework from into my /Library/Framework folder otherwise love was quitting.

Then I could run it. Without game, I had the front page of Löve (in red with the mascott and the logo). But if I tried to move the löve logo, it just crashed the window, and said the program is not responding.
If I pass a game in argument, I got this:

This is LOVE 0.5.0 (Salted Nuts).
INIT love.filesystem [PhysFS]
INIT [OpenGL/DevIL/FreeType]
INIT [SDL_mixer]
INIT love.timer [SDL]
INIT love.mouse [SDL]
INIT love.keyboard [SDL]
INIT love.physics [Box2D]
INIT love.lib [LuaSocket]
INIT love.joystick [SDL]
INIT love.system [Generic]
Game (/Users/eric/dl/ does not exist.
QUIT love.system [Generic] etc.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Okay. I have fixed the link path to SDL from SDL_mixer so love's SDL_mixer should search for SDL from love's frameworks folder.

farvadin: I have no idea why it would crash when you drag the logo. I am speculating it might be because of different versions of SDL being used. [i.e SDL_mixer in love is incompatible with the release of SDL from the website.]. As I said I have no idea.

Download it again. Try download a .love file (or use your own game) and double click it; rather than typing in terminal to enter the arguments. See if the error you posted is still there.

Thanks :)

EDIT: if the .love files appear as folders then try drag the to desktop and back.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by rude »

My good sir, you are a genius!

I got no errors, crashes, or anything. I used this command in Terminal:

Code: Select all

open -a love
Thanks for your hard work! I hope you can send me the project files while I still have access to this Mac!

EDIT: Oops, I lied. Running .love-files does not work yet, I actually used this command (to run a folder):

Code: Select all

open -a love appalanche
Yes, I made an Apple version just for this occasion.
Yes, I made an Apple version just for this occasion.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Finally...!? :D
(Still has to wait for ppc result...)
Okay I have attached the .zip folder. Download and unzip.
Put this inside the platform folder in love-5.0-0, taking note that sometimes when downloading source from the main site result in some include folders going missing, and you'll know when XCode tells you headers are not there.

Follow the README.rtf inside the folder.

(nice avalanche ... ^^................)

EDIT: If you're ever looking for binary versions of libjpeg and libpng they're inside IL.framework/resources inside ... Maybe need to copy and rename and place in random places XCode tells you to.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by farvardin »

it's much better now!

I can start Löve without argument, the lögo and the mascötte are displayed, I can drag and drop the logo without problem Image

I still can't pass a .love file as argument, or double click or drag it on the dock. (tried with 2 projects, tried to chmod it before etc) Image

BUT if I unzip the project, I can pass it as argument and games are working fine with this !! Image

It's probably a matter of understanding how to extract the content of the file, but I don't understand why it's working on Rude's computer and not on mine. Could it be because of the architecture?
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by appleide »

Hmm, are .love files supposed to .zip files? if thats the case it doesn't work for me, though it might have to do with me telling XCode folders with extension .love are .love documents instead. :/

It works if you unzip the .love file and rename the folder with extension .love and the double click on the folder now turned file (if it doesn't, launch love and quit and it should work then). but that's not how its supposed to work, is it? I certainly did this on purpose, but from what you're saying I was mistaken.
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Re: LOVE 0.5 Mac [UB] Binary, Needs Testers.

Post by farvardin »

.love = .zip (.love are juste renamed zip files)

For me it worked only by passing the folder file name as argument (no .love here, juste the plain normal folder).
I haven't tested with renaming the folder as, but it should work this way because the mac version should be have to run standard zip/love files downloaded from internet for example.
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