how to put a time

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how to put a time

Post by needhelp911 »

guys, i need to put time in my game, but i really don`t know how. Can you help me??
it`s just to pass while the game is running and when the user win then the time stop, how can i do this????
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Re: how to put a time

Post by Atone »

When love calls your love.update function, it passes in an argument called dt, aka delta time, which is the time elapsed since the last update (in seconds, probably a very small number like 0.01). You can use this for timing. The following is a simple example of a timer, just counting the time since the program started and printing it out every frame.

Code: Select all

local timer = 0

function love.update(dt)
	timer = timer + dt
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Re: how to put a time

Post by DarkShroom »


Code: Select all

--save start time
start_time = love.timer.getTime()

--to get the time since start
time_elapsed = love.timer.getTime() - start_time

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