Play .mp3 from SD card on Android

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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:44 am

Play .mp3 from SD card on Android

Post by premek »

Is it possible to make something like a music player? You would copy your .mp3's from your computer to some place in your phone and then load and play them from Love Android app via ``.

My problem is that the only directory accessible with newSource on Android (/data/data/my.package/files/save) is not visible in my PC when I connect the phone.
On the other hand I'm able to access the SD card with io.popen but not with newSource.

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:44 am

Re: Play .mp3 from SD card on Android

Post by premek »

ok after setting this in conf.lua
t.externalstorage = true

the love.filesystem is now on the phone storage that is mounted to PC. But I had to reboot the pohone to see my app's folder in my pc :(
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