Ludum Dare 41 Entries
Ludum Dare 41 Entries
It's that time again! Post your Ludum Dare entries here so we can have a list of love games to play and rate!
Last edited by Karai17 on Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
Clunky Ball
Clunky Ball is a Monkey Ball clone that let’s you bonk every which way but Sunday (and sometimes even on Sunday if you eat your peas and go to bed without complaining)! Travel through each obstacle course and find the goal before the time runs out. See your scores at the end for dat speedrunning potential!
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
Rocket Artist
You thought drawing was tough already? Try doing it with a horribly inconvenient control scheme! The goal of the game is successfully draw the image presented in each level with your spaceship. It's the space + drawing game nobody asked for!
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
I'm just getting a black screen after I click "Play". I'm using latest love 11.1.
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
The "level1" that shows up in the top left corner is clickable, I should probably update the level select to be more clear and add a proper clear screen since those were common problems brought up to me.
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
My first LD. Quite happy with the resultRe: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
Here's the game we made, Trebuchet Town!
It's a cross between a city builder and a flinging game, where you have to use a trebuchet to fling buildings into place.
It's a cross between a city builder and a flinging game, where you have to use a trebuchet to fling buildings into place.
Re: Ludum Dare 41 Entries
Oh shit I missed this thread, I will play and rate all of your entries now
That's our entry
That's our entry
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