[WIP] Ultima-inspired RPG

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[WIP] Ultima-inspired RPG

Post by Stargazer »

I recently started playing around with LÖVE and LUA. One of my dreams has always been to write a game much like the Ultima games I loved back in the day. My first Ultima was Ultima IV, but tackling a project this big is beyond what a single person could handle. So I used Ultima IV and V as inspiration.


At the moment I have implemented game states (I can switch between main menu and the map), walking on the overland map, poisonous swamps, simple animations, and slowed movement due to difficult terrain. Before moving forward I need to actually figure out what kind of game it should be and if I want to stick to the tileset I am using at this point. I am also very new to both LUA and LÖVE and I guess my code is nightmare-inducing to more experienced developers. ;)

The code is on GitHub, so feel free to check it out. https://github.com/PlanetStargazer/ultimalike

Currently I am pretty much stuck, since I can't decide in which direction I want to take this project. I could stick close to the Ultima IV formula, or stray from it and make it something else. I am also not sure if I should stick with the tileset since it limits a lot what I can do with it. Unfortunately I am not really an artist, so I have to rely on freely available artwork. And advice is highly appreciated.
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Re: [WIP] Ultima-inspired RPG

Post by milon »

I'll definitely check it out. I love the classic old-school RPG's! :)

EDIT - What version of Love did you write this in? I'm running 11.1 on Linux, and I'm getting the following crash:
Error: main.lua:114: bad argument #2 to 'newSource' (string expected, got no value)
stack traceback:
[string "boot.lua"]:637: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:633>
[C]: in function 'newSource'
main.lua:114: in function 'load'
[string "boot.lua"]:488: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:487>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[string "boot.lua"]:650: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:639>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
(It's not configured to run .love files directly, so I unpack the .zip and launch main.lua through SciTE.)

EDIT 2 - Also tried in Love 11.1 on my Windows box, same result:

main.lua:114: bad argument #2 to 'newSource' (string expected, got no value)


[C]: in function 'newSource'
main.lua:114: in function 'load'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
^ Repacked the github .zip into a .love and ran that directly.
Any code samples/ideas by me should be considered Public Domain (no attribution needed) license unless otherwise stated.
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Re: [WIP] Ultima-inspired RPG

Post by Stargazer »

I wrote it in a slightly older version. Since then I updated to 11.1 and got the same error. It's actually easily fixed and I'll upload the latest main.lua to GitHub ASAP.
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Re: [WIP] Ultima-inspired RPG

Post by milon »

Thanks! I didn't have time to walk through the code or I would have just changed it myself. :)
Any code samples/ideas by me should be considered Public Domain (no attribution needed) license unless otherwise stated.
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