Feedback for game's melee combat

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Feedback for game's melee combat

Post by BruceTheGoose »

All feedback is welcomed! Suggest improvements, or just tell me to scrap it entirely.

R toggles running
Left Click - Swing
Hold Left Click - Strong Swing
W-A-S-D - to move

Notes - You need more than 1/3 of your stamina to initiate an attack

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Re: Feedback for game's melee combat

Post by ReFreezed »

Very simplistic, and feels sluggish. It needs to be more clear what is going on when a character is charging an attack more than just changing the rotation. I had trouble just aiming and hitting the enemies. The instant attack and teleporting forward after charging is also weird. As for needing 1/3 of the stamina to attack, it's very confusing. It would be better if, for example, the attacks were slower or less effective the less stamina you have.

Some other issues:
  • It's possible to walk through enemies (though the enemies seem to collide with each other, which is inconsistent).
  • The player takes damage by walking into an enemy's sword after the enemy has attacked. The same doesn't happen when enemies walks into the player's sword. More inconsistency.
  • The stamina bar takes forever to refill!
  • The stamina refills while holding down the swing button at full charge. It should probably not start refilling until the attack is completely finished.
  • Stamina doesn't refill when standing still if running mode is toggled on.
  • Reaching for the run key while moving is very inconvenient. It should at least be on another key, for example Shift (and I would say that it shouldn't toggle because both running and regaining stamina are important and so this key will be pressed a lot).
  • After walking diagonally once, the player doesn't stop walking diagonally until all movement keys are released.
  • I know the graphics are temporary, but it's hard to see the enemies against that background. Again, it needs to be more clear what's going on in the game.
  • Enemies do not attack and only move backwards if the player is too close. This is very easy to exploit since the player moves faster than the enemies.
  • Enemies have pretty much no AI. They just move towards the player and attacks when close enough. Lots of room for improvements here.
In general, the game is not very interesting yet. Think about game mechanics that are more fun and engaging and keep testing different ideas.
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Re: Feedback for game's melee combat

Post by BruceTheGoose »

Thank you for the solid feedback! I will keep working on it to address all those issues.
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Re: Feedback for game's melee combat

Post by Honolulua »

Excuse the lack of depth-ness to this post, but....

The combat is a bit jittery
Stamina seems to run pretty quickly, in my opinion
Too many enemies on me and exhausting my stamina quickly

There's room for improvement, but a nice little game. As said previously, sorry for the lack of depth-ness.
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