convert a number to binary with lua ?

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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by zorg »

okay, that's a simple thing then; rgba values are usually unsigned.

Code: Select all

-- Converts a byte to a string of 0s and 1s.
function byte2bin(n)
local t = {}
  for i=7,0,-1 do
    t[#t+1] = math.floor(n / 2^i)
    n = n % 2^i
  return table.concat(t)
This can be extended to larger numbers too, automatically: (hopefully i didn't fudge up the decimal digit calculation...)

Code: Select all

-- Converts a byte to a string of 0s and 1s.
function byte2bin(n)
local t, d = {}, 0
  d = math.log(n)/math.log(2) -- binary logarithm
  for i=math.floor(d+1),0,-1 do
    t[#t+1] = math.floor(n / 2^i)
    n = n % 2^i
  return table.concat(t)
-- And negatives:

Code: Select all

-- Converts a byte to a string of 0s and 1s.
function byte2bin(n)
  local t, d = {}, 0
  d = math.log(n)/math.log(2) -- binary logarithm
  if n<0 then
    -- two's complement
    d = d + 1
    n = 2^d - math.abs(n)
  for i=math.floor(d+1),0,-1 do
    n = n % 2^i
  return table.concat(t)
fractions are trickier; fixed-point notation would be doable, but computers nowadays usually use the IEEE floating point representations, and those are hard to code by hand like this.
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by Tuxion »

Thank you very much, that's exactly what I wanted to know.

Should I use the same method if I want to convert to hexadecimal?
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by zorg »

You could change a few things to have that, mostly the number 2s in a few lines... but on the other hand:

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n = 154
the format string also works with %x (lowercase x) if you prefer the hex digits lowercase.
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by pgimeno »

Float isn't very difficult. math.frexp does the heavy lifting.

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local function int2bin(n)
  local result = ''
  while n ~= 0 do
    if n % 2 == 0 then
      result = '0' .. result
      result = '1' .. result
    n = math.floor(n / 2)
  return result

local function float2bin(n)
  if math.abs(n) == math.huge then
    -- plus or minus infinity
    return n > 0 and 'inf' or '-inf'
  if not n == n then
    -- nan
    return 'nan'

  local m, e = math.frexp(n)
  local result = int2bin(math.abs(m * 2^53))

  local len = #result
  if e > 53 then
    -- big number, add zeros on the right
    result = result .. ('0'):rep(e - 53)
  elseif e < 1 then
    -- small number, add zeros on the left
    result = ('0'):rep(1 - e) .. result
    e = 1

  -- Add the point
  result = result:sub(1, e) .. '.' .. result:sub(e + 1)

  -- remove zeros on the right including point
  result = result:gsub('%.?0*$', '')

  if n < 0 then
    return '-' .. result
  return result

  io.write('> ')
  local s ='*line')
  if s == nil or s == '' then io.write('\n') break end
  print(float2bin(loadstring('return (' .. s .. ')')()))
until false
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by zorg »

Yes but that's sure as hell not the binary representation of an IEEE single or double precision float :P
Also, concatenation is still slower than tables, that said, your code for int2bin is simpler than mine, since it avoids logarithms and stuff... though not sure if it could handle signed ints without it.

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local function int2bin(n)
  local result = {}
  while n ~= 0 do
    if n % 2 == 0 then
      result[#result+1] = '0'
      result[#result+1] = '1'
    n = math.floor(n / 2)
  return table.concat(result)
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by pgimeno »

Yeah, I optimized for clarity, not speed :)

Edit: And, well, it's the binary representation of the number that the float represents, which I thought was what was asked.
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Re: convert a number to binary with lua ?

Post by ivan »

Tuxion, the standard way is to format the number as a hex:

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hex = string.format("%x", number)
"%06x" RGB, 6 digits
"%08x" RGBA, 8 digits
Printing as binary is possible but it's just not very practical/common.

PS. But if you insist on printing binary:

Code: Select all

local h2b = {
['0']='0000', ['1']='0001', ['2']='0010', ['3']='0011',
['4']='0100', ['5']='0101', ['6']='0110', ['7']='0111',
['8']='1000', ['9']='1001', ['A']='1010', ['B']='1011',
['C']='1100', ['D']='1101', ['E']='1110', ['F']='1111'
function hex2bin(n)
  return n:upper():gsub(".", h2b)
function dec2bin(n)
  return hex2bin(tostring(n):format("%X"))
Nice and simple, no math involved!
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