No, it returns nan if the input is 0. Did you read later comments?If you don't, then this sign function becomes positively biased one - it returns 1 if the input is 0.
0 can be a common input in some use cases.
No, it returns nan if the input is 0. Did you read later comments?If you don't, then this sign function becomes positively biased one - it returns 1 if the input is 0. wrote:If one of the arguments in a NaN, the other is returned.
The reason i said that NaN was propagated was because i was lazy and tried out the code on the online lua testbed, which is PuC lua 5.3raidho36 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:20 am I'm saying it because I tested it and it turned out that way. But in fact there's a manual entry that expressly says so. So all these people are ill informed. In that scenario min and max functions return whichever value wasn't NaN. wrote:If one of the arguments in a NaN, the other is returned.
Code: Select all
return (function(n) return math.max(math.min(n * (1.0/0.0), 1.0), -1.0) end)(0)
I don't think the C/C++ documentation applies to Lua. The behavior of math.min/math.max with respect to nan is unspecified in the official Lua manual, and therefore LuaJIT can have a different behavior while still be conforming. We shouldn't rely on unspecified behaviors.raidho36 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:20 am But in fact there's a manual entry that expressly says so. wrote:If one of the arguments in a NaN, the other is returned.
Code: Select all
$ cat > test.lua
local function clamp_inf(x)
return math.max(-1, math.min(1, x*math.huge))
local s = 0
for i = -1000, 1000 do s = s + clamp_inf(i) end
$ luajit -jdump test.lua
---- TRACE 1 start test.lua:5
0007 MOV 6 0
0008 MOV 7 5
0009 CALL 6 2 2
0000 . FUNCF 6 ; test.lua:1
0001 . GGET 1 0 ; "math"
0002 . TGETS 1 1 1 ; "max"
0003 . KSHORT 2 -1
0004 . GGET 3 0 ; "math"
0005 . TGETS 3 3 2 ; "min"
0006 . KSHORT 4 1
0007 . GGET 5 0 ; "math"
0008 . TGETS 5 5 3 ; "huge"
0009 . MULVV 5 0 5
0010 . CALL 3 0 3
0000 . . FUNCC ; math.min
0011 . CALLMT 1 1
0000 . FUNCC ; math.max
0010 ADDVV 1 1 6
0011 FORL 2 => 0007
---- TRACE 1 IR
0001 int SLOAD #3 CI
0002 > fun SLOAD #1 T
0003 > fun EQ 0002 test.lua:1
0004 tab FLOAD test.lua:1 func.env
0005 int FLOAD 0004 tab.hmask
0006 > int EQ 0005 +63
0007 p32 FLOAD 0004 tab.node
0008 > p32 HREFK 0007 "math" @54
0009 > tab HLOAD 0008
0010 int FLOAD 0009 tab.hmask
0011 > int EQ 0010 +31
0012 p32 FLOAD 0009 tab.node
0013 > p32 HREFK 0012 "max" @11
0014 > fun HLOAD 0013
0015 > p32 HREFK 0012 "min" @22
0016 > fun HLOAD 0015
0017 > p32 HREFK 0012 "huge" @3
0018 > num HLOAD 0017
0019 num CONV 0001
0020 num MUL 0019 0018
0021 > fun EQ 0016 math.min
0022 num MIN 0020 +1
0023 > fun EQ 0014 math.max
0024 num MAX 0022 -1
0025 > num SLOAD #2 T
0026 + num ADD 0025 0024
0027 + int ADD 0001 +1
0028 > int LE 0027 +1000
0029 ------ LOOP ------------
0030 num CONV 0027
0031 num MUL 0030 0018
0032 num MIN 0031 +1
0033 num MAX 0032 -1
0034 + num ADD 0033 0026
0035 + int ADD 0027 +1
0036 > int LE 0035 +1000
0037 int PHI 0027 0035
0038 num PHI 0026 0034
---- TRACE 1 mcode 359
b771fe90 mov dword [0xb77212bc], 0x1
b771fe9a movsd xmm1, [0xb773f470]
b771fea2 movsd xmm0, [0xb773f478]
b771feaa cvtsd2si edi, [edx+0x10]
b771feaf cmp dword [edx+0x4], -0x09
b771feb3 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771feb9 cmp dword [edx], 0xb772cbc0
b771febf jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771fec5 mov ebp, [0xb772cbc8]
b771fecb cmp dword [ebp+0x1c], +0x3f
b771fecf jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771fed5 mov ebx, [ebp+0x14]
b771fed8 cmp dword [ebx+0x51c], -0x05
b771fedf jnz 0xb771feeb
b771fee1 cmp dword [ebx+0x518], 0xb7725f30
b771feeb jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771fef1 cmp dword [ebx+0x514], -0x0c
b771fef8 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771fefe mov ecx, [ebx+0x510]
b771ff04 cmp dword [ecx+0x1c], +0x1f
b771ff08 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff0e mov eax, [ecx+0x14]
b771ff11 cmp dword [eax+0x114], -0x05
b771ff18 jnz 0xb771ff24
b771ff1a cmp dword [eax+0x110], 0xb77268e0
b771ff24 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff2a cmp dword [eax+0x10c], -0x09
b771ff31 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff37 cmp dword [eax+0x21c], -0x05
b771ff3e jnz 0xb771ff4a
b771ff40 cmp dword [eax+0x218], 0xb77268a8
b771ff4a jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff50 cmp dword [eax+0x214], -0x09
b771ff57 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff5d cmp dword [eax+0x54], -0x05
b771ff61 jnz 0xb771ff6a
b771ff63 cmp dword [eax+0x50], 0xb7726910
b771ff6a jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff70 cmp dword [eax+0x4c], -0x0f
b771ff74 jnb 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff7a movsd xmm2, [eax+0x48]
b771ff7f xorps xmm7, xmm7
b771ff82 cvtsi2sd xmm7, edi
b771ff86 mulsd xmm7, xmm2
b771ff8a cmp dword [eax+0x210], 0xb7726888
b771ff94 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ff9a minsd xmm7, xmm1 ; <---- No C function call
b771ff9e cmp dword [eax+0x108], 0xb77268c0
b771ffa8 jnz 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ffae maxsd xmm7, xmm0 ; <---- No C function call
b771ffb2 cmp dword [edx+0xc], -0x0f
b771ffb6 jnb 0xb7718008 ->0
b771ffbc addsd xmm7, [edx+0x8]
b771ffc1 add edi, +0x01
b771ffc4 cmp edi, 0x3e8
b771ffca jg 0xb771800c ->1
b771ffd0 xorps xmm6, xmm6
b771ffd3 cvtsi2sd xmm6, edi
b771ffd7 mulsd xmm6, xmm2
b771ffdb minsd xmm6, xmm1 ; <---- No C function call
b771ffdf maxsd xmm6, xmm0 ; <---- No C function call
b771ffe3 addsd xmm7, xmm6
b771ffe7 add edi, +0x01
b771ffea cmp edi, 0x3e8
b771fff0 jle 0xb771ffd0 ->LOOP
b771fff2 jmp 0xb7718014 ->3
---- TRACE 1 stop -> loop
If you truly think it's a bug, seriously you should report it to LuaJIT.I know it's JIT bug and not interpreter/glibc/hardware bug because it runs fine in interpreted mode, as well as in compiled C.
Is this documented somewhere? And this doesn't mean Lua isn't free to choose whatever semantics it sees fit.Lua is expressly designed to work on top of C standard library
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