Invertio - Annual Dec. Game

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Invertio - Annual Dec. Game

Post by alesan99 »


I'm back again, still continuing the tradition to make a new game every december (2015, 2016) !
This is a platformer with a unique twist, the power of inversion!
Invert the level when you're inside "inversion fields", shoot baddies, and collect crystals as you make your way to the portal at the end of each level.
There are a total of 6 levels, and they get progressively harder.

Image Image

Image Image

WINDOWS (.exe)
OSX (.app)
LINUX (.love)

To finish a level, you must reach the portal at the end of the level. You will have to jump (the longer you hold the button the higher you jump) and shoot enemies. You can invert the level when you are inside the "inversion fields". You can aim for an extra challenge by collecting all the crystals in every level, but this is optional.
Default Controls (Change in settings):
  • Move: Arrow Keys
  • Jump: X Key
  • Invert (While in fields): Z Key
  • Shoot: Z key
I recommend having the same button for inverting and shooting for simplicity, but you can change them if you want.
Press Alt+Enter for fullscreen
Press the "~" key to disable the chromatic aberration filter.

I tried my best to get this game out before the year ended so it might be a bit rough here and there, but I hope you enjoy it.
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Re: Invertio - Annual Dec. Game

Post by ReFreezed »

Pretty fun to play. Except the autoscrolling level. Ugh. :d

It reminds me of a Flash game called Shift.
Tools: Hot Particles, LuaPreprocess, InputField, (more) Games: Momento Temporis
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Re: Invertio - Annual Dec. Game

Post by alesan99 »

I tried to make the last level hard, but I hope it didn't feel too cheap.
And interestingly that's the 2nd time I've heard that comparison.
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