- Attack/Accept: S,D,F; Gamepad X,Y,A
- Jump/Cancel: Space; Gamepad B
- Move: Arrows; Gamepad D-Pad
- Block: R; Gamepad LB
- Menu: Esc; Gamepad Start
- Inventory: Enter; Gamepad Select
- Press Up to open treasure chests, and Down to collect items.
- When playing for the first time, or selecting New Game, it'll freeze for a bit. That's normal - I haven't implemented a good loading bar during dungeon generation yet.
- The game is in an early state; there's no real endpoint to the dungeons, and no way to save your game yet. For now you can only explore, fight, and collect weapons.
- Key bindings can be reconfigured by editing the file 'durgankal/InputBindings.xml' in your Love save directory.
- You can see a full map of the current dungeon in the directory '%LOVESAVEDIR%/durgankal/modules/durgankal/maps/A'.
- Rooms types get pretty repetitive, as there are only so many premade rooms right now.
- Class system with unlockable skill trees
- Magic and other class abilities
- Throw and Perfect Guard play mechanics
- More diverse enemies: Different goblin types will have specific weapons/abilities, and appropriate AI
- Other enemies: animals, demons, undead, and more!
- More content: more room types, boss encounters, locks/keys, etc.
- Shop system
- Potions and other usable items
- Other equipment types (armor, accessories, etc.)
- Probably other stuff