BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

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Silver Ankh
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BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

Post by Silver Ankh »

When touch is RELEASED two callbacks are triggered: love.touchreleased() and love.mousereleased() and it seems to be OK,but
when touch is PRESSED only love.touchpressed() is triggered, however love.mousepressed() is triggered when touch is moved or when touch is released (together with love.mousereleased()).
Try this simple program for better understanding.

Code: Select all

love.window.setFullscreen(true, "desktop")
local cMP, cMR, cTP, cTR = 0, 0, 0, 0
local cMPX, cMPY = 0, 0
local cMRX, cMRY = 0, 0
local cTPX, cTPY = 0, 0
local cTRX, cTRY = 0, 0
local xMP, xMR, xTP, xTR = "", "", "", ""

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, isTouch)
    if x < 40 and y < 40 then
    cMP = cMP + 1
    xMP = "#" .. tostring(cMP) .. "." .. " X: " .. tostring(x) .. ", Y: " .. tostring(y)
    if isTouch then
        xMP = xMP .. " (Touch)"

function love.mousereleased(x, y, button, isTouch)
    cMR = cMR + 1
    xMR = "#" .. tostring(cMR) .. "." .. " X: " .. tostring(x) .. ", Y: " .. tostring(y)
    if isTouch then
        xMR = xMR .. " (Touch)"

function love.touchpressed(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)
    if x < 40 and y < 40 then
    cTP = cTP + 1
    xTP = "#" .. tostring(cTP) .. "." .. " X: " .. tostring(x) .. ", Y: " .. tostring(y)

function love.touchreleased(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)
    cTR = cTR + 1
    xTR = "#" .. tostring(cTR) .. "." .. " X: " .. tostring(x) .. ", Y: " .. tostring(y)

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()
    love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
    love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, 40, 40)
    love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
    love.graphics.print("QUIT", 5, 13)
    love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
    love.graphics.print("Last .mousepressed()", 0, 50);   love.graphics.print(xMP, 160, 50)
    love.graphics.print("Last .mousereleased()", 0, 70);  love.graphics.print(xMR, 160, 70)
    love.graphics.print("Last .touchpressed()", 0, 90);   love.graphics.print(xTP, 160, 90)
    love.graphics.print("Last .touchreleased()", 0, 110); love.graphics.print(xTR, 160, 110)
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Re: BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

Post by slime »

love uses SDL for input, and SDL's touch/mouse event code on Windows uses Microsoft's Windows APIs pretty directly. This might be an issue with Windows or your touchscreen's drivers.
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Re: BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

Post by davisdude »

You can use the isTouch parameter for mousepressed/released to determine if it originated as a touch or click.
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Silver Ankh
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Re: BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

Post by Silver Ankh »

slime wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:19 pm love uses SDL for input, and SDL's touch/mouse event code on Windows uses Microsoft's Windows APIs pretty directly. This might be an issue with Windows or your touchscreen's drivers.
OK, love.touchpressed() and love.touchreleased() working fine, I can use them for touch instead of mouse callbacks, no problem.
Thank you
Silver Ankh
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Re: BUG in touch/mouse callbacks on Windows

Post by Silver Ankh »

davisdude wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:50 pm You can use the isTouch parameter for mousepressed/released to determine if it originated as a touch or click.
You probably don't understand what I mean. I can't use isTouch parameter because love.mousepressed() is NOT triggered when I touch the screen. Is triggered in other, wrong moment.
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