Sweep, a 2048 but a bit more strategic

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Le Codex
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Sweep, a 2048 but a bit more strategic

Post by Le Codex »


I've made a game called Sweep. The principe is simple. You play cards, you move them like 2048 tiles and you kill your opponent's cards!
:awesome: (This is only an alpha, it only contains the core mechanic of the game and some animations)
Capture6.PNG (22.93 KiB) Viewed 2006 times
The game is for now only local multiplayer, but I'll start working at least on LAN. :roll:

Gray squares are walls. Dots are Spawning Plateform (SP), light grey means unused, dark gray means used. You can only have as much cards on board as SP you have (3 at the start).

You can only do one action per turn.
Click on the cards to play them. The number that is shown is the health of the card. They are played automatically on the white SP (Top for the first player, bottom for the second). Your cards are highlighted when they're on the board.
Use WASD to move your cards on board. They move like in 2048, they move until they hit something. If a card hits a card from the other player, it deals 1 damage to it and send it back to its SP.

Tokens are cards that are spawned by other cards. They're uncollectible. At the end of your turn, they take 1 damage. When they're attacked, they die instantly.

When you hover a card on the board with your mouse you can see its health, its type (Card or Token) and to which player it belongs, plus its name and description.

As I said, this is only an alpha. I show it to you to get 3 things:
1)Ideas of cards and balance of existing, and/or maybe ideas of gameplay and changes to the rules of the game
2)Feedback on the game and on the code (which is as much commentated as possible :ultrahappy:), and reports of bugs (Very Important!)
3)If you want me to add you in the game! ;)

This project wouldn't have been possible without this community. I wouldn't have been able to learn everything that I know today. So I think that the least I can do is credit you by adding you into my game. I want this game to be communal. :)

All the code was made by me, except for classic.lua which helps me deal with metatables. (because i'm still learning this and I always worked with it :ehem:)

Hope you enjoy it!
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if your.timeSpeed > 0 then universe:update(dt) else universe:destroy() end
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