nevon wrote:
I would suggest that you get a different text editor. Coding without whitespace really isn't an option.
I suspect the problem isn't the editor, but the way it was used. In some editors (Notepad++, for example) there's a menu option for "changing charset used" and a different one for "converting the file to a another charset". They don't convert the file, even if you change the charset, automatically (bad decision IMHO). Probably the same happens with Textwrangler.
Anyway, if he's changed the settings to UTF without BOM by default, any new files should be ok.
notepad++ is what i use for all scripting languages except Lua. i use SciTi for Lua, mostly because for i got used to using it for Lua making non-love programs. for compiled languages i tend to use an IDE. i recommend both SciTi (for Lua) and notepad++ (for dam near everything including Lua)