How to save and reload a very large amount of data?

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Re: How to save and reload a very large amount of data?

Post by amorphia »

I thought I'd share how I solved this in the end, as it wasn't simple.

I tried to roll my own saving routines based on modified versions of this sort of code, but whether I gradually concatenate the values into a string and then save it to file, or append the values to file one by one, the results are really painfully slow.

So I looked around for more serialization libraries, and tried three or four. They all crashed, either when saving the data, or when loading it again. In the end, I took what seemed to me the most stable one,, and used it by first splitting my table into 10 tables and saving them, and then loading 10 tables and putting them back together:

Code: Select all

dump = require 'dump'

--the code which saves

	local regSize = #drawReg.reg -- this is the table which I need to save
	local sliceSize = math.floor(regSize / 10)
	for i = 0,9 do
		local slice = table.slice(drawReg.reg,i*sliceSize+1,(i+1)*sliceSize)
		local str = dump.tostring(slice)

-- the code which loads

	for i = 0,9 do
		local s ="replay"..i..".txt",str)
		local script = 'return '..s
		local slice = loadstring(script)() -- note the double set of parenthesis
		table.conc(replayReg.reg,slice) -- replayReg.reg is the table I need to load into

-- functions I found on the internet for slicing tables and putting them back together again

function table.slice(tbl, first, last, step)
  local sliced = {}
  for i = first or 1, last or #tbl, step or 1 do
    sliced[#sliced+1] = tbl[i]
  return sliced

function table.conc(t1,t2) -- concatenate
    for i=1,#t2 do
        t1[#t1+1] = t2[i]
    return t1
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