Hi, just recently started to learn lua in order to use Love2d. I'm currently making(trying to make, I guess) a visual novel kind of game, where I was using renpy and tyranobuilder, but I ended up trying to change too much stuff around and trying to make too many changes within the boundaries of their scripting language until I realized I could very well learn to use some other language that could be more versatile and useful in the long run.
Overall it's been a fun trip, being fun trying to make these dialogue boxes show up on screen and it's given me a lot of feeling of accomplishment, considering I do no have formal programming training, but I want to proceed to whatever is next.
Simply put I do not know how to just add something where I'm missing in the code below, in order to make scripting the dialogue cleaner instead of relying on a bunch of loops and stuff that would make it difficult to read and modify as I nest infinitely.
Code: Select all
_d("This is the first line of dialogue", "HERO NAME")
_d ("This is the second line of dialogue", "HEROINE NAME")
Code: Select all
function love.load()
diabox = require "diabox"
width, height = love.window.getMode()
scene01 = love.graphics.newImage("cgs/plainbg.jpg", jpg)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
love.graphics.draw(scene01, 0, 0)
_dstyle ("def")
_d("OMG", "HERO NAME")
_dstyle ("scene")
_d("Thing lorem etc etc.", "HERO NAME")
Code: Select all
function _dstyle (boxstyle)
if boxstyle == "def" then
--Dialoguebox Configuration variables. Change to adjust appearance.
textboxbg = love.graphics.newImage("gui/textbox.png", png)
nameboxbg = love.graphics.newImage("gui/namebox.png", png)
-- Position of the Dialogue Box relating to the window
tbox_xali = .5 --(0 is left .5 is centered 1 is right) [texbox = .5 ]
tbox_yali = 1 --(0 is top .5 is middle 1 is bottom) [texbox = 1 ]
tbox_fsize = 36 -- [texbox = 36 ]
tbox_ox = 0 -- [texbox = 0 ]
tbox_oy = 0 -- [texbox = 0 ]
-- Position of the namebox background relating to the dialogue box
nbox_ox = 105 -------- x position (negative value draws to the right) [texbox = 105]
nbox_oy = -51 -------- y position (positive value draws to the bottom) [texbox = -51]
-- Name Text position and apperance
nbox_padr = 63 -------- padding of the name tag. Affects character limit [texbox = 63 ]
nbox_padl = 55 -------- [texbox = 55 ]
nbox_padt = 33 -------- [texbox = 33 ]
ntag_fsize = 32 -------- fontsize of the name tag [texbox = 32 ]
ntag_ali = 'center' ---- text alignment of the namebox [texbox = 'center']
dbox_padl = 167 -- [texbox = 167]
dbox_padr = 167 -- [texbox = 167]
dbox_padt = -35 -- [texbox = 53]
dbox_fsize = 30 -- [texbox = 30]
dbox_ali = 'left' -- [texbox = 'left']
dbox_nonampad = 90 -- dialogue top padding if there's no namebox
--Dialoguebox Configuration variables. Change to adjust appearance.
-- Position of the Dialogue Box relating to the window
textboxbg = love.graphics.newImage("gui/textboxscene.png", png)
nameboxbg = love.graphics.newImage("gui/nameboxscene.png", png)
tbox_xali = .5 --(0 is left .5 is centered 1 is right) [texbox = .5 ]
tbox_yali = 1 --(0 is top .5 is middle 1 is bottom) [texbox = 1 ]
tbox_fsize = 0 -- [texbox = 36 ]
tbox_ox = 0 -- [texbox = 0 ]
tbox_oy = 5 -- [texbox = 0 ]
-- Position of the namebox background relating to the dialogue box
nbox_ox = 20.5 -------- x position (negative value draws to the right) [texbox = 105]
nbox_oy = 0 -------- y position (positive value draws to the bottom) [texbox = -51]
-- Name Text position and apperance
nbox_padr = 0 -------- padding of the name tag. Affects character limit [texbox = 63 ]
nbox_padl = 0 -------- [texbox = 55 ]
nbox_padt = 18 -------- [texbox = 33 ]
ntag_fsize = 40 -------- fontsize of the name tag [texbox = 32 ]
ntag_ali = 'center' ---- text alignment of the namebox [texbox = 'center']
dbox_padl = 40 -- [texbox = 167]
dbox_padr = 40 -- [texbox = 167]
dbox_padt = 20 -- [texbox = 53]
dbox_fsize = 32 -- [texbox = 30]
dbox_ali = 'left' -- [texbox = 'left']
dbox_nonampad = 70 -- dialogue top padding if there's no namebox
-- Misc Variables being setup
namevisible = 1
tbox_xs, tbox_ys = textboxbg:getDimensions()
nbox_xs, nbox_ys = nameboxbg:getDimensions()
-- Dialogue Box position code
tbox_x = width-tbox_xs
tbox_y = height-tbox_ys
tbox_xroot = tbox_x * tbox_xali
tbox_yroot = tbox_y * tbox_yali
tbox_xloc = tbox_xroot - tbox_ox
tbox_yloc = tbox_yroot - tbox_oy
dbox_nampad = (nbox_ys*namevisible)+dbox_nonampad
-- Name Box position code
nbox_xroot = tbox_xloc + nbox_ox
nbox_yroot = tbox_yloc + nbox_oy
-- Name Tag position code
ntag_xroot = nbox_xroot + nbox_padl
ntag_yroot = nbox_yroot + nbox_padt
nbox_size = nbox_xs - nbox_padl
ntag_limit = nbox_size - nbox_padr
-- Dialogue Text position code
dtxt_xroot = tbox_xloc + dbox_padl
dtxt_yroot = tbox_yloc + dbox_nampad
dbox_size = tbox_xs - dbox_padl
dbox_limit = dbox_size - dbox_padr
fontname = love.graphics.newFont("gui/berlinsans.ttf", ntag_fsize)
fontdialogue = love.graphics.newFont("gui/berlinsans.ttf", dbox_fsize)
function _d(d_what, d_who)
-- Dialogue Box Draw
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
love.graphics.draw(textboxbg, tbox_xloc, tbox_yloc)
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255)
love.graphics.printf(d_what, dtxt_xroot, dtxt_yroot, dbox_limit, dbox_ali)
--Namebox Draw
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
if d_who ~= nil then
dbox_nampad = (nbox_ys*namevisible)+dbox_padt
love.graphics.draw(nameboxbg, nbox_xroot, nbox_yroot)
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255)
love.graphics.printf(d_who, ntag_xroot, ntag_yroot, ntag_limit, ntag_ali)
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
Takes a script written with the function "_d("dialogue", "character") and having the game display them appropriately formated.
Having to trigger the next dialogue box.
In the future I want to make it so I can pause the dialogue before complety printing it and even having the dialogue show letter by letter and some other things I assume are way to complex for me to grasp if I cant manage to find the solution to my title problem right now.