LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

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LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

Post by darkmetalic »

Hello guys, I've come to share for those who need to use a dynamic ListBox for LOVE 0.10+ (above 5.000 items added yet to show up fast) and easy to use. You can add a text, show the IDs, hide, customize the number of zeros on the left, add a data within the item, import, enumerate, export, touch-screen, doubleclick, customize, change, count, reposition, resize, rounded, colors, get, set, is ...

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function love.load()

font =

list = require "listbox"

local tlist={
x=200, y=100,



function love.keypressed(key)

function love.wheelmoved(x,y)

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

--Default values (tlist)


x=100,y=100, -- listbox position x,y (number)

w=200,h=400, -- listbox size Width x Height (number)

hor=true,ver=true, -- Show scroller Horizontal and Vertical (boolean)

sort=false, -- sort mode: string "asc" or "desc" or boolean true(asc) or false(disabled)

enabled=true, -- enable or disable the listbox, it remains visible, but does not interact (boolean)

visible=true, -- visible or invisible, the listbox may interact invisibly if it is not disabled

adjust=true, -- adjuste (boolean)

rounded=false, -- rounded rectangle (boolean)

expand=false, -- expand the listbox (boolean)

expandmode="size", -- expand mode: size true (boolean|string) or position "pos" (string)

expx=12, -- expand pixels (number)

radius=15, -- scroll ball size/radius (number)

sep=";;", -- separator that limits where the text ends and the data starts in the index (string)

ismouse=true, -- if you will use mouse (boolean)

istouch=false, -- if you will use touches (boolean)

gw =, -- first Width captured to resize, do not works if you confugured(conf.lua) in fullscreen (or set gw)

gh =, -- first Height captured to resize, do not works if you confugured(conf.lua) in fullscreen (or set gh)

incenter=false, -- in center of screen (boolean)

asize=false, -- auto size the listbox (boolean)

font =, -- listbox font (object)

fcolor={0,190,0}, -- font color RGB (table)

bordercolor={50,50,50}, -- border color RGB (table)

selectedcolor={50,50,50}, -- selected color RGB (table)

fselectedcolor={200,200,200}, -- font selected color RGB (table)

selectedtip="fill", -- selected mode "fill" or "line" (string)

bgcolor={20,20,20}, -- background selected color RGB (table)

showindex=false, -- show index (boolean)

indexzeros=1, -- index left zeros (number)

selected=false, -- first index selected (number) or (false) none

gpadding=5 -- global padding (number) }


NOTE: all default values and functions are in lowercase

text = string or number
data = string or number
str = string or number
index = integer (number)
item = index (text and data)
tlist = table
mode = boolean or string
update = boolean (uplist)
font = object
[] = optional

listbox:additem(text,[data],[update]) or listbox:insert(text,[data],[update]) -- add new item, return true if successfully
ex: list:additem("MySite","www,",true)
ex: list:insert("MySite","www,",false)

listbox:delitem(index) or listbox:remove(index) -- delete a specific item, return true if successfully
ex: list:delitem(16)

listbox:delall() or listbox:empty() -- remove all itens, no returns

listbox:getcount() or listbox:maxn() -- return max itens (number) if successfully or false (boolean)

listbox:getselected() -- return selected index (number) if successfully or false (boolean)

listbox:getdata(index) -- return item data (string) if successfully or "" (empty string)

listbox:gettext(index) -- return item text (string) if successfully or "" (empty string)

listbox:getfusion(index) or listbox:concat(index) -- return item concatenated (string) if successfully or (false)

listbox:getsize() -- two returns dimension Width Height of the listbox (number)

listbox:getpos() -- two returns position X Y of the listbox (number)

listbox:uplist() -- update/atualize the listbox, no returns

listbox:unselect() or listbox:deselect() -- deselect the listbox, no returns

listbox:setexpand(mode) -- set exapand mode true enables or "size" and enables or "pos" and enables or false disable, no returns
ex: list:setexpand("size")
ex: list:setexpand("pos")
ex: list:setexpand(true)
ex: list:setexpand(false)

listbox:settext(index,text) -- replaces item text, return true if successfully
ex = list:settext(2,"Second")

listbox:setdata(index,data) -- replaces item data, return true if successfully

listbox:setitem(index,text,[data]) -- replaces item text and data, return true if successfully
ex = list:setitem(2,"Second","SecondData")

listbox:setfont(font) -- set the listbox font, return true if successfully

listbox:setselected(index) -- selects a item in the listbox, return true if successfully

listbox:newprop(tlist) -- creates a new property for the listbox

listbox:setrounded(boolean) -- listbox is rounded or rectangle

listbox:findlist(str,[mode],[sensible]) or listbox:search(str,[mode],[sensible]) -- return (table) index of all found str if successfully, or false (boolean)
ex: result = list:findlist("love","text",true)
if result then print(result[1]) end

ex: result = list:search("love","textdata",false)
if result then list:setselected(table.maxn(result)) end

ex: result = list:findlist("love","data",false)
if result then list:setdata(result[1],"Love2D") end

listbox:resort(mode,update) -- sort the listbox in asceding or descending, no returns
ex: list:resort("asc",true)
ex: list:resort(true,true) -- ascending
ex: list:resort("desc",true)
ex: list:resort(false) -- disables, but not defaults sorted itens

listbox:setsize(Width,Height) -- set dimension (number)

listbox:setpos(X,Y) -- set position (number)

listbox:setindex(boolean) -- show or hide index numbers counted, no returns

listbox:setvisible(boolean) -- visible or invisible, the listbox may interact invisibly if it is not disabled

listbox:setenabled(boolean) -- enable or disable the listbox, it remains visible, but does not interact (boolean)

listbox:isvisible() -- get if is visible, return boolean

listbox:isenabled() -- get if is enabled, return boolean

listbox:isover() -- get if is pointed(over) in the listbox, return boolean

listbox:isselectchange() -- get if item selected is changed, return boolean

listbox:isdoublec() -- get if is double click in the selected item, return boolean

listbox:autosize(boolean) -- auto size the listbox, no returns

listbox:center(boolean) -- auto center in the screen, no returns

listbox:export(file,[mode1],[mode2]) or listbox:save(file,[mode1],[mode2]) -- save all itens in a file to save directory or on the side
ex: list:export("list.txt",true,"text") -- ("text" or true) exports only itens texts in save directory (and index if enabled)
ex: list:export("list.txt",false,false) -- exports all itens on the side (and index if enabled)
ex: list:export("list.txt") -- exports all itens on the side (and index if enabled)
NOTE: on the side (mode1-false) not works in android or ios, automatically exports in your save directory (mode1-true)

listbox:import(file) or listbox:open(file) -- load all lines in the listbox, if have separator will add as data, return true if successfully
ex: list:import("newlist.list")


listbox:getfileext(filepath) -- return file extension

listbox:getfilename(filepath) -- return file name

listbox:getdirname(path) -- return directory name

listbox:onlynumbers(str) -- return only numbers of a given string

listbox:onlyletters(str) -- return only letters of a given string

listbox:insensible(string) -- return string insensible "aA"=="aa"

listbox:enudir(path,[extensions]) -- return (table) of all files enumerated with a specific extension (or no), or false
ex: result = list:enudir("music/rock",".wav .mp3 .ogg")
ex: result = list:enudir("images",".png .jpeg .bmp")
ex: result = list:enudir("contents")

listbox:sectotime(seconds,[milliseconds]) -- return a time of a given number, or "00:00:00"
ex: result = list:sectotime(1000) -- return 00:16:40
ex: result = list:sectotime(1e3,true) -- return 00:16:40.0

listbox:rgbtohex(tcolor) -- return hexadecimal (string) of a given RGB color (table)
ex: tcolor = {100,200,255}
result = list:rgbtohex(tcolor) -- return 64C8FF

ex: print("#"..list:rgbtohex({100,200,255})) -- print #64C8FF

listbox:mount(path) -- mounts a directory outside of its executable


listbox:key(key,shortcut) -- required if you want to interacts the listbox using keyboards, returns key pressed

ex: function love.keypressed(key)
list:key(key,true) -- if shortcut is enabled, select the first item character found while pressed a key

listbox:mousew(x,y) -- required if you want to interacts the listbox using mouse wheel

ex: function love.wheelmoved(x,y)

listbox:update(dt) -- required if you want to interacts the listbox...

ex: function love.update(dt)

listbox:press(x,y) or [listbox].ispress=trie -- optional for mouses, required for touches

ex: function love.touchpressed(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)

ex: function love.touchpressed(id, x, y, dx, dy, pressure)

listbox:moved(x,y) or [listbox].ispress=true -- optional for mouses, required for touches

listbox:released(x,y) or [listbox].ispress=false -- optional for mouses, required for touches

listbox:resize() -- required if you want to autosize the listbox on resize

ex: function love.resize(w,h)

listbox:draw() -- required if you want to use the listbox

ex: function love.draw()
Demo Tutorial
(90.06 KiB) Downloaded 254 times
Database With ListBox (unzip)
(919.71 KiB) Downloaded 201 times
Cool Playlist With ListBox
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Re: LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

Post by uederson »

Thank you so much, friend!
Maybe I will use it in my game to let the user choose made levels.
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Re: LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

Post by Drakkahn »

One issue I've noticed: moving your cursor too fast while moving the box will cause it to no longer follow. I would recommend that upon grabbing the lower right corner that it causes to follow until the mouse is released.
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Re: LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

Post by uederson »

When I use it, all the things under the list are drawn more dark.
Is there some way of avoid this?

[edit]I found it! Change bordercolor to white (255,255,255). I thought that this property would change only the border. :neko:
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Re: LOVE2D - Dynamic ListBox

Post by s-ol »

uederson wrote: Fri May 26, 2017 12:12 pm When I use it, all the things under the list are drawn more dark.
Is there some way of avoid this?

[edit]I found it! Change bordercolor to white (255,255,255). I thought that this property would change only the border. :neko:
you probably just forgot to set the color back to white after drawing the list. When you draw images the pixel color gets multiplied by the global color you set with /blog  - /st8.lua  - /gtglg /curcur

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print( type(love) )
if false then
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